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Brandon's POV: 

I find myself laying in bed trying to shut my mind off when i see my bedroom door slowly open. "Brandon? Are you awake?" Callie asks me while closing the door. "Unfortunately." I mumble. "Sorry to come in here, but Mariana is hogging my bed. Can i sleep in here?" She asks me. "Of course." I say to her, and Callie crawls in right next to me. As soon as Callie made her way into my bed i instantly felt whole. "How is Mariana able to hog your bed?" I ask her while running my fingers through her beautiful hair. "She kicked me, and was talking in her sleep." She grumbles. "I am so sorry baby." I say to her while kissing her head. "It's okay. I get to sleep in your bed which is way better to be honest." She whispers to me causing me to lightly chuckle. "We should go to sleep as we do have school in the morning." I say to her. Callie nods in agreement, and kisses me softly before drifting off to sleep. 

I was awoken by an irritating buzzing sound that told me that it was time to wake up. Grabbing my phone off the bedside table to turn off the alarm as Callie groans from beside me. "Seriously? I feel like i just fell asleep." She whines causing me to laugh. "I feel you baby. Monday's are the worst, and today will be no better." I say to her kissing her forehead. "I should go back to my room, and get into the shower before Mariana gets in there." She says leaving my room. Getting up out of bed I grab a change of clothes, and walk into my bathroom to shower. The one thing i love about staying at Robert's is having my own my bathroom, and not having to share every morning. After about a good 10 minute shower i get out to get ready for school.

Walking out of my bathroom my phone starts to ring causing me to sigh not knowing who will be calling this early. "Hello?" I say when i answer. "Hello Brandon it's Cortney Major calling. I am sorry we never got to meet up when i was in town last week. I am only in town for a few more hours if you able to meet me at the air port. We are very interesting in offering you a scholarship, but as protocol we need to meet with the candidates. Are you available?" She asks me. "I mean of course i am available. Just give a me a time, and i will be there." I say to her trying to keep my voice even. "Excellent. Well i am heading the airport in about thirty minutes as i have a few phone calls to make, but how about you meet me in coffee shop near gate 17 around 8:45?" She asks me. "Of course. Thank you for giving me another chance." I say to her. "Of course Brandon. I'll see you in a little bit." She says, and hangs up. 

Holy shit I am stunned that they are giving me another chance at this interview. I've cancelled the first two due to everything that has happened over the past week, but this is something I am not going to fuck this up. I've waited my entire life for an opportunity like this; an opportunity to go to Julliard. Grabbing my stuff I walk downstairs to tell Callie about what was happening this morning when I hear a conversation between Callie, and her dad. "Callie I have rules for a reason. If it happens again they are both out of the house." He says to her. I guess Robert found out about Callie crawling into my bed last night. "Dad I had no choice okay? Mariana kicked me, and was keeping me awake. It won't happen again I promise." Callie says. That is when I realized the coast was clear I walk down to the kitchen to grab something to eat. "Good morning everyone," I greet Callie, Sophia, and Robert. "Good morning B." Callie says taking a drink of her coffee. "So I am going to have to miss classes this morning as I have an appointment with the Julliard scout." I explain causing both Sophia, and Callie to smile. "Holy shit that's amazing." Callie says touching my arm. "Thank you. I had to cancel the previous interviews with everything that has happened over the past week, but they are still interested." I say. Callie smiles at me, and we enjoy our silent conversation.

"Good morning!" Mariana says walking into the kitchen. "Morning Mari." Callie grumbles. "Even after coffee Callie you are still cranky." My sister says. "Well I am cranky because you not only kicked me in your sleep, but you were talking so hello no sleep club." Callie says grabbing her book bag. "Mariana I am missing school this morning so Callie is giving you a ride to school." I explain to her. "Why are you skipping school?" Mariana asks me while buttering her bagel. "I have a last minute meeting with the Julliard scout so that is why." I say to her causing Mariana to break into a grin. "Well don't worry B; i'll tell mama when I see her. Knock them dead big brother." She says grabbing her bag, and walking to towards the front door. "Sophia you should go grab your stuff as I am driving you to school." Robert says to her. "Good luck today Brandon!" Sophia says walking up the stairs. "Yes good luck today. Just be yourself, and prove to them that you are worthy of that scholarship." Robert says to me. "Thank you so much." I say to him with gratitude in my voice. "I should get going, but i'll see you all later." I say walking out the front door.

"Brandon wait! I know you heard my conversation with my dad this morning so I apologize. He saw me leave your room this morning." She says to me. "It's okay Callie. I need to get going or i'll be late, and I cannot be late to this interview." I say to her taking her hand into mine. "Well I hope it goes amazing, but I know it will because you are incredible." She says to me. "Thank you baby! I'll see you afterwards, and fill you in on all the details. I love you." I say to her kissing her lips for the first time today. "I love you too." She says to me. I walk over to my car, and unlock it. Both of my futures were looking more than promising. The thing holding me back was this one interview; I cannot mess this up.

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