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Callie's POV: 

I felt nothing but utter joy radiating through my body. I cannot believe that not only am I starting my senior year of high school, but in just a few days i will be sitting in legendary Disney Hall; watching the love of my life live his dream. But before all that fun stuff can happen i have to suffer through a slumber party that Mariana, and Sophia have decided to throw tonight. What turned into a catch up session with Mariana, has turned into make overs; and talking about boys, With me being the only one with a boyfriend this should be a total blast. "So Callie; how was shopping with Sophia?" My dad asks us during a very quiet dinner. "It was long, and very tiring." I grumble causing Sophia to chuckle. "Callie isn't a fan of shopping dad. But she did buy new clothes for school." Sophia says with a smirk on her face. "That was the whole point wasn't it? Can I have my credit card back Sophia?" My dad asks causing Mariana to laugh. "Did you drag Callie to all the stores?" Mariana asks. "Yes she did. Twice. Not even kidding." I grumble staring at my plate. We find ourselves in another awkward silence, and at this point i was just ready to go to sleep. "So Mike how long have you been cop?" My dad asks. "About 20 years. Both Stef, and i met in the academy." Mike answered. "Wow that is a long time. Well thank you for protecting our streets." My dad says in a low voice. I glance over to look Brandon, and i notice that he wasn't paying attention to anything. "So Dad guess what? Brandon got some exciting news today." I say trying to get Brandon out of his head. "Oh yeah, and what would that be?" My dad asks. Brandon clears his throat looking at me with a strange look on his face. "The people at Disney Hall called me to let me know that my performance is next week." Brandon answers with a small smile on his face. "Wow! They didn't really give you a lot of notice." My dad says. "Well they figure i should know the piece off hand so i am not too worried about it. They'll give me some rehearsal time." Brandon says. 

"Can we come to your performance?" Sophia asked. "I am sure I can figure something for you, and your dad to come." Brandon says causing me to smile. "What is your piece about by the way?" Sophia asked. "It's about falling in love with somebody you can never be with." He answered, and everybody looked up, and made eye contact with Brandon. We sat in silence, and tried to comprehend what his song was about. I of course had an idea what it was about because Brandon basically told me that it was about me at Idyllwild. "Wow, Well the you can never be with part is obviously not true now." Mariana says breaking the silence. Suddenly Brandon's phone started to ring, and he excuses himself to talk to whoever was calling. "I was wondering why you had tears in your eyes when Brandon performed." Mariana said. "Well I had tears in my eyes because the piece is unbelievable. I didn't realize it was about me until the after party." I explain causing Mariana to have a ridiculous grin on her face. "Mariana stop!" I say to her. "We'll talk later then." She says causing me to roll my eyes. Brandon walked back into the room, and sat down next to me. "Hey Mariana. Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?" Brandon asked. "Actually Callie can drive me." Mariana says. "I can? When did i agree?" I asked causing my dad, and Mike to start chuckling. "You three have definitely been around each other for a long time." My dad says causing Sophia's facial expression to look sad. "Fine Mariana i'll drive you home tomorrow. I wanted to see Jude anyways so i mine as well kill two birds with one stone." I say. "Well i need to go home so I'll see you tomorrow Mari. Thank you for dinner Robert." Brandon says standing up. "I'll walk you out." I say following Brandon to the front door, and we both walk outside. 

"Before you ask my mom called wanting to talk so that's why i am leaving." He explains. "Oh I want to leave, but i live here so i can't." I say. "I should go, but i'll talk to you later." Brandon says kissing me before pulling away. I turn around, and walk back into the house trying to find the energy to join the awkward dinner that will not end. "So Callie; have you talked to AJ lately?" Mike asked randomly as i enter the dining room. "No i haven't." I answer causing Mariana to look at me weird. "Who's AJ?" Sophia asked looking at me with curious facial expression that matches my dads. "AJ is my foster son that Callie met when she was volunteering at the youth center." Mike explains. "Yeah he was going through a rough time so i introduced him to Mike, and he was living with us until Mike got his foster licence." I say hoping that answered everything. "I was just wondering because you two were friends in the beginning." Mike says causing me to glare at him. "We were, but after friend-zoning him several time, and him not getting the hint that i wasn't into him romantically I decided to back off." I say in a loud voice causing Mariana to stand up in case this conversation gets even more intense. "Maybe he wouldn't think you were interested as more then a friend if you didn't kiss him!" Mike says to me in the tone i just did. "Hold up, you kissed AJ? When?" Mariana asked. "At my birthday party, in the bounce house. That's the reason AJ went, and stayed at Rita's house. Stef saw us, and tried to protect me." I say to her. The look my dad had on his face with the newest revelation was shock. "Is that why Brandon hates him?" Mariana asked. "Brandon doesn't like AJ for different reasons. I know what they are, but I am not going to tell you." I say standing up, and walking away. "Mike i think it's time to for you to leave. Who do think you are coming into my house, and humiliating my daughter?" My dad said loud enough for me to hear from the living room. "Fine." Mike grumbles, and begins to walk to the front door. 

"You know what Mike. I thought Brandon was being dumb being angry at you for spending so much time with AJ, but i see it now. You've replaced your biological son; who doesn't like sports, and whatever else you are into with one that does. It's fucking sad if you ask me, because you don't know half the shit i know about Brandon, and i have been in his life for a year, So before you go judging me; maybe you should start judging yourself." I say walking up stairs to my room. I hear him leave the house, and that's when i hear someone come into my room. "Callie? Are you going to be okay?" Mariana asks me as I feel her, and Sophia sit down on my bed. "Yes I'll be okay. I'm sorry i ruined our night." I say sniffling as i am silently crying. "Callie please don't cry. Mike was very out of line, and you told him off which when i re-tell this story to Brandon he'll be impressed." Mariana says causing not only myself, but Sophia to laugh. "Dad must think I have a thing for my foster brothers." I grumble. "I don't think that at all Callie." My dad says startling me. "Didn't mean to interrupt by the way i just wanted to make sure you were alright." He explains. "I'll be fine, just annoyed as fuck. Thank you for sticking up for me by the way." I say to him with a smile. "I am your father, and i love you. I am not going to judge you on your past actions. I am just glad Mike waited until after Brandon left to start saying shit." My dad says causing all three of us girls to stare at him with shock on our faces. "I've never heard you swear before daddy." Sophia says causing him to chuckle. "Well i am going to leave you ladies alone, and I'll see you in the morning." He says leaving my room. 

"Obviously Callie; you are very good at keeping things from me." Mariana says. "Well you two are my sisters so i am now willing to tell you everything." I say to them, and now i am ready to tell about everything. 

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