Give Me Love

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Brandon's POV:

To say my mom's overreaction was shocking would be the biggest lie ever told. I was so hoping she wouldn't find out, but of course she did. Now i find myself consoling the woman i love because my mother has lost her shit, and now i also find myself homeless once again. Oh, and school starts tomorrow so good one mom. "Callie baby we should sit down." I whisper to her while i kiss the top of her head. Callie nods into my chest, and begins to walk towards the door step. We sit in silence for what feels like forever until i hear the front door open. "Brandon? I am sorry to interrupt, but Mariana is calling you." Sophia says in small voice. "Thanks Sophia. I'll call her back in a minute. Can you sit with Callie?" I ask her. Sophia nods, and sits on the other side of Callie bringing her into a hug. "I'll be right back." I say to Callie, and kiss her cheek that is now tear stained. I walk inside the house to call my sister back, and that is where i find Robert sitting on the couch in the living room. "Brandon? When you get a moment i'd like to talk to you." He says to me making me slightly nervous. "Yes of course. I have to call Mariana first if that is fine." I say to him. "Of course." Robert says looking back at his laptop. I sigh silently, and walk into the kitchen. Mariana of course answers after the third ring because she was clearly waiting impatiently for my call; typical. "Hey B." Mariana says. "Mari what's up?" I ask her. "Well moms gave me the job to pack your stuff as they've kicked you again. So i was wondering where are Mat, and I dropping it off at?" She says to me. "Well my dad, and i arent speaking so Robert said i can stay here." I grumble. "Alright well give me like an hour, and half to finish packing your shit. Mat already agreed to drive me over." She said to me. "Thank you Mari." I say to her. "You are lucky i love you both. And thank you for not asking me about Mat. That is a conversation for the ride to school you owe me." She says with a hint of a smile in her face. "See you a while Mariana." I say. "Bye Brandon." She says hanging up. 

"Everything okay?" Robert says from behind me startling me. "Yes. My sister got the task of packing most of stuff, and wonder where she was suppose to bring it." I explain. Robert nods, and continues to stare at me. "Look i am so sorry." I say hoping to break the ice because i was slightly nervous. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I am just really surprised that you moms can't seem to accept the two of you yet." Robert says to me, and taking me by surprise. "I am not shocked. I knew they'd never forgive me for taking Callie away from them. I never would've acted on my feelings towards Callie if Mariana never said anything." I say to him. "I see. Well Brandon i have to say the first time i met you at the fundraiser, and Callie was introducing Rita i saw the way you looked at her. I knew right then that you loved her." Robert said taking me by surprise. "So i said you can stay here until things settle down in your family. But I am not allowing you to stay in Callie's room so you get the guest room upstairs." Robert says to me. "More then fair." I say to him. Robert simply nods his head, and leaves me standing in the kitchen. That's when i remembered that Callie, and Sophia were still outside. I walk towards the front door, and open it to find them both in the same spot. It was like they never moved a single inch the whole time i was gone. 

Sitting down on the other side of Callie, and rub her back. "I think i am fine now you guys." Callie grumbles. She raises her head off Sophia's shoulder, and stands up. "I'm to get a glass of water be right back." She says walking inside leaving Sophia, and I alone. "I've never seen her break down that way before." Sophia says looking at me with worry written all over her face. "I've seen her break down, but not that bad. I thought my mom was coming around as yesterday she was happy to have Callie around. But what happened earlier just proved my moms will never forgive me." I say feeling my emotions creeping up. That's when i hear the front door open, and Callie sits down in between Sophia, and I. "My dad just informed me that you are staying here for awhile." Callie says placing her hand in mine. Instantly i felt sparks that were another proof that our love is never ending. "Yeah your dad is my hero. He banned me from your room though, but that's fine." I tell her causing Callie to smile for the first time in awhile. "Well at least my dad supports us. I don't think your moms, and dad will ever come around." Callie says trying not to cry again. "It's going to be okay. You know why? Because we have people in our corner this time. Nothing will ever tear us apart." I say to her causing Sophia to smile. "You should listen to him Cal. Brandon is smarter then he looks." Sophia says causing Callie to laugh. "Was that a backhanded compliment or not?" I ask Sophia. "Backhanded." She says. 

We sit on the doorstep in silence when my phone rings; it was Mariana. "Mariana is at the gate with my stuff." I say answering the phone. "Mari the password it 56890. See you a couple minutes." I say to her hanging up the phone. "Who drove her here?" Callie asked me. "Mat." I simply say to her causing Callie's eyes to get big. "Mat? What the fuck does that mean?" She asked me. "No idea. It's apparently a drive to school type conversation." I say to her. A few moments later Mat, and Mariana pull up to the house. "Holy shit bro i forgot how big this house is." Mat says getting out of his car, and opening up the trunk. Callie, Sophia, I stand up, and walk towards them. "Callie you look like you need a hug." Mariana says pulling Callie into a hug. I walk over to where Mat was unloading the bags Mariana packed for me to help him. "Sorry to drag you into this mess man." I say to him. "Don't worry about it. Oh by the way your mom scares the shit out of me." Mat says causing me to laugh. "I am fully aware of that." I say closing Mat's trunk. "Are you, and Mariana back together?" I ask him while we carry the bags to the front door. "We are taking things slow." Mat says causing me to look at him. "Congrats." I say to him when i see the girls join us. "I am sure if i ask my dad he'll allow you guys to stay, and hang out." Callie says. "It's up to you Mat you are the driver." Mariana says. "Yeah sure we can hang out. Brandon, and I have to talk about something anyways." He says to me. "We do?" I ask not knowing what the fuck he was talking about. "Yes our senior class project." Mat says to me. Oh right i totally forgot. 

"Instead of standing outside let get this stuff into Brandon's room." Sophia says opening the front door. We each grab a bag, and walk inside. "So B i wasn't sure what you needed so i just packed your clothes, school stuff, and your laptop is still in the car." Mariana says to me. "Great thanks." I grumble. "Dad? Which room is Brandon's?" Callie asked her dad who was outside on the patio. "Last door on the left." He says. "Okay lets get these upstairs!" Callie says leading the way. "This is your room. I am going to go, and talk to my dad." Callie says running back downstairs. Mat, Mari, and I set the bags down, and look around. "Holy shit man." Mat says, and Mariana nods in agreement. "Can i live here too?" She asked me. "I don't think Robert wants another member of the Adams-Foster family moving in. Plus this is temporary." I say to her. "Right. Well since you two have to talk I am going to go, and join Callie downstairs." Mariana said to me. 

"So what is your genius idea?" I ask him. "I was thinking something musical." Mat said me causing me to laugh. "Well that narrows it down." I say to him unpacking my clothes, and putting them into the dresser. "Well i mean we can but what kind of musical?" I ask him causing him to shrug. That's when i come across a book of Shakesphere. "Holy shit i got it. Romeo, and Juliet!" I suggest. "Dude that's dark. Plus you are in a happy relationship." He says to me. "So what. We can turn this into a musical, and i never said i was going play Romeo." I say to him sitting on my bed. "Hmm... It's an interesting idea. I say we do it!" Mat says to me. We shakes hands in agreement. This will be the hardest thing we have ever done; but in the end it'll be worth it. 

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