Rock Bottom

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Stef's POV: 

You never know when the lies will comeback around, and bite you. Something i did out of the goodness of my heart just blew up in my face, and tore my family apart in a matter of minutes. I always thought Callie would never find out about what i did to Robert, but i also thought she'd never be living with him. The most painful part of this day was watching Mariana pack her stuff, and walk out the front door. My beautiful daughter leaving the house that she was raised in all because of my mistake. "Stef?" Lena asks when she walked in the house. "Kitchen!" I say to her. "What the hell happened here?" Lena asks me when she walks into the kitchen. "Where do i start?" I ask her dropping my head. "How about the beginning Stef? You called me saying Callie knew the truth about Robert! How did that happen?" She asked me. I groan before looking my wife in the eyes, and let out a sigh. "Robert told Callie about me blackmailing him into signing the abandonment papers." I say to her. Lena just stood in front of me with a stunned, and angry look on her face. 

"I knew this would happen one day I just knew it!" She said to me sitting on a stool. "I know love, but i honestly didn't think she'd ever find out." I explain to her. "You also thought that she would never live with Robert; so once again we were wrong." She says to me. "The hardest part about this was watching Brandon, and Mariana leaving this house. Mariana was  so man, and disappointed in what i did. Lena i caused our kids to turn their backs on us." I say to her. "No Stef they didn't walk out on us; they walked out on you." Lena says, and walked out of the kitchen. "What the hell are you doing Lena?" I ask her while following her. "Stef i don't even know what to say to you right now. First we lost Callie; which okay we couldn't keep her here as she is in love with our son. Then you drive Brandon away, and now Mariana!? Like what the hell Stef i am blaming you for this. Now if you'll excuse me; i am going to pick up Jude, and try to explain to him why Mariana isn't living here." She says walking out of the house. 

My kids, and now my wife have walked out on me today, and i deserve it because they were all right to do so. I have failed everyone with my actions; especially regarding my son, and his feelings for Callie. I was in the wrong for putting a restraining order on him after he kissed. I was wrong for forcing them into being  brother, and sister even though they clearly don't have that type of relationship. Lena was right; we were pretending not to see what was really going on, and now my stubbornness has driven my son away. That is when i realize that i needed to go, and make amends with everyone. I grab my stuff, and walk outside. For the second time today I was going to drive 30 minutes to the Quinn's residents. This time i am not leaving until they hear me out, and forgive me. 

When i get into the car; I grab my phone, and call Robert's number. Of course he doesn't answer; so i leave a voice mail. "Hi Robert it's Stef. I am in my car about to drive to your house to talk to everyone about what has happened today. Hopefully you can allow me to apologize to you, and everyone that my actions have hurt." I say to him then hang up the phone. 

This drive will probably be the longest one yet, but i owe it to my family to fix what i have broken. 

A/N: If you follow me on twitter then you know how much i dislike the moms because they are seriously so dumb. Also making Stef own up to her choices was hard as i have zero respect for her in any capacity. Remember you can follow my sarcastic ass on twitter at: LiveLoveBrallie! 

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