Mixed emotions

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A/N: Hey you guys! Sorry for not updating sooner; Ive been busy with college & a major How To Get Away with murder binge watch lol. Anyways here is chapter two & it is in Callie's point of view. Enjoy! (:

Callie's POV:

Adoption day. You'd think I'd be over the moon excited that I was finally getting the family I always wanted. But something in my head was telling me that it wasn't. Yes I've always dreamed that Jude & I would be adopted by the same family, but that was before. That was before I was introduced to Brandon Foster. Brandon was who I was waiting for; even though in a few short hours it would be illegal for us to feel like this.

Now I find myself hiding in the garage dealing with a wave of emotions. The garage brings back memories; I put my heart on the table to Brandon a few months ago but he didn't accept me. He told me he didn't trust me, my how far we've come since that night. Less than a week ago we had sex, & now I am about to become him sister, & that doesn't sit well with me. Nothing about mine & Brandon's relationship was sibling.

So now comes the hurt. Not my hurt, but the hurt I'm going to put Brandon through if I go through with this adoption. We never should of crossed the line the other night, but I don't regret it for a second because I got to share my first real time with the only person in my life who I trusted, & loved with every fibre of my soul... Brandon.

"What the hell am I going to do?" I whisper to myself. "About what?" I hear a voice from the doorway. I knew it was Brandon.

"Make a habit of sneaking up on people?" I ask with a chuckle. "I was actually not sneaking up on you. But I was looking for you." Brandon tells me.

"Okay. Why were you looking for me?" I ask. Brandon let's out a big sigh. "Callie. Please don't go through with the adoption. I need you to not become my sister because just the thought of that is killing me inside." Brandon says. His confession pure, & I could hear the hope in his voice.

Oh how I wanted to grab him & kiss him, but that would be wrong. Oh so wrong. "Brandon. Please don't do this. Please." I plead. "Callie; I love you so much it hurts, and I know you feel the same way. So just for once in your life choose something for yourself." Brandon says with tears in his eyes. I hated being the one to make him cry. The memory of me ending things with him at his grandfathers funeral will forever break my heart.

"Brandon. I love you so much. But I've always wanted a family. So I maybe becoming across as a selfish bitch right now, but its true. Yes; I'll always love you, & you'll always have my heart. But this family is what I want. If I could have both I'd choose that option, but I can't so this is how it has to be." I say as I begin to walk out of the garage.

As soon as I stood outside the garage I let my emotions get the best of me & I break down into sobs. My heart breaking into more & more pieces.

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