The One.

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Callie's POV: 

Mariana and I approach my dad by the front doors of the courthouse. My dad stretches his arms out, and i run into them for a much needed hug. "Are you okay Callie?" My dads asks me. "I will be. Thank you for taking me in dad." I say. We pull apart from our hug, and he looks me in the eyes. "Are you kidding? I would never turn you away Callie. You are my daughter, and believe me i could use the company in that house. It's far to lonely being there by myself." My dad says, and it causes me to chuckle. Suddenly i see Lena come inside; "Mariana we have to go now. Callie here is your bag, I'll drop the rest of your stuff off tomorrow okay?" Lena says to me. I muster up a nod, and Mariana hugs me then the leaves the courthouse. 

"Ready to go?" My dads asks. "Like you have no idea." I say grabbing my bag, and following my dad towards the parking lot. I suddenly wonder what happened to Brandon, i hope Stef didn't kick him out because he has no where to go since Mike is fostering AJ. The drive to Robert/my new house was quiet, my dad ask me any questions about what has transpired in the past few hours. But the back of my mind was wondering what Mariana told him on the phone. 

"So i have a question, what did Mariana tell you when she called?" I asked. My dad looks over in my direction. "She just said you had a change of heart because you have feelings for Brandon." My dad says. "And she never told you about our history?" I ask. "Callie, can we talk about this when we get home?" he says. I just nod, and grab my phone out of my purse. I decide to text Brandon to make sure Stef didn't kill him. 

Callie: So are you alive? I am beyond worried! 

I hit send then focus my attention on the drive to my new home. Robert lives in a super gated community so the drive is really long. My phone started vibrating, good sign that B is alive at least. 

Brandon: Well Mom basically yelled at me, and told me to stay somewhere else for a few days. So i am now staying on my dads couch since AJ has my old room. 

Letting out a loud sigh reading this text makes me feel so guilty. "Are you okay Cal?" My dad asks me. "Uh yeah i guess. Stef kicked Brandon out for a few days while she calms down. So now he's stuck sleeping on his dads couch." I say in one breath. I look over at Robert, and i see him nod. We pull up the street where i am now calling home for the next year; i never pictured that i'd ever live in a huge house surrounded by gates. But i also pictured never having a family, and i have that now. 

Callie: Oh my god! B i am so sorry. At least you aren't completely homeless though right? 

I hit send, and feel tears forming in my eyes. I haven't cried this much since i broke Brandon's heart at his grandfather's funeral all those months ago. My phone vibrates again, i immediately look at it. 

Brandon: Yeah i guess. I knew this was going to be bad, but not only are moms beyond pissed off but my dad is super angry at me. Why i am not sure; but i also don't know what mom told him.

 I sigh, and i feel myself getting worked up because i've caused so much pain this wonderful family. 

Callie: Babe i am so sorry! I'll call you when i get my dads house. I love you so much try and relax okay? 

He instantly replies which makes me smile. 

Brandon: You are aware that your dads giant house is now your house now right? Oh and i love you too. 

I let out a soft laugh which causes Robert to look over at me. "Talking to Brandon?" he asks me. "Uh yeah. His mom told his dad what happened so now Mike is pissed off at B too." I explain. 

We pull into the drive way, and i start to feel myself relax for the first time today. Opening the car door and grabbing my bag i step outside. "Now Cal i still need to give you the code for the gate, and a key to the front door but i'll do that tomorrow." He explained to me. "Sounds good. I am looking forward to having my own room." I say to him. My dad starts laughing which caused me to laugh for some reason. "I bet you are excited. I had your room already set up from before. But you can decide what you want." He tells me. 

I walk over to him, and give him a hug. It feels weird being in this house without Sophia around, but i am also kind of glad because this can bring us closer; and actually have a relationship. 

"I am going to bring my stuff up to my room." I tell him. "Of course it's on top of the stairs and to the first door on the left." He tells me. "Thanks dad for everything you've done today. I love you." I tell him while kissing him on the cheek. "Of course Cal. I'd do anything for you," He says to me. I nod and walk upstairs. I owe Mariana the biggest thank you in the world for bringing this whole thing together. 

A/N: Hey guys! Here is my Thursday update. I had plans on updating earlier but i go called into work, so it's later then planned. Anyways, this vision i have for this fic is having Callie & Robert form a tight bond since that is missing from the show. i have the next 2 chapters already written so i might update on saturday again. 

The song at the beginning is called "The One" by Kodaline so check it out. 

Follow me on social media at: LackCityBitchhh on twitter, instagram & tumblr. Love you all so much xo! 

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