Sweet Piece of Candy

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Callie's POV:

Jude and I arrive back at Stef, and Lena's after a very fun day spent together. "So what should i say to moms? Like should i tell them what we did?" Jude asked me. "Well bud i am the last person to tell you about being honest to moms. But if you want to tell them we went to wild play then go ahead." I explain to him while getting out of the car. "Well if they ask then i'll tell them." Jude says following me towards the front door. "Moms?" Jude says walking into the house. "Hey Judicorn! Moms went somewhere a few minutes ago. Did you have fun?" Mariana says sitting on the couch in the living room. "Yes! Callie brought me to Wild play, and we did the tree go course!" Jude says grabbing his phone to show Mariana the picture. "I am just going to use the bathroom." I muttered, and walked to the bathroom beside the kitchen. I didn't really need the bathroom I just needed to text Brandon, and see where he hiding.

Callie: Hey i am at your house.. Where are you?

I hit send, and decide to throw water on my face to get some of the sweat off of it. My phone beeps two minutes later making me smile.

Brandon: I am in the garage. Care to join me?

Callie: Be out in two minutes!

I reply then open the bathroom door, and start walking towards the back door. I can hear Brandon playing piano from the garage, and my heart starts to melt. I find myself standing outside the garage not wanting to walk inside, and interrupt him. His composition was so beautiful, and i could hear the pain, and love in the melody. As soon as i heard it at Idyllwild i knew i was the inspiration. Of course the eye contact we shared right afterwards basically told me everything i needed to know. After i heard Brandon stop playing i walked inside, and i instantly smiled just seeing the back of his head. I am going to love this boy for the rest of my life, and nobody is going to tell me otherwise.

"Wow every time i hear you play this i still feel like crying." I say walking towards him. "Well you should as it is about you." Brandon says with a smile. I go, and sit on his lap at his keyboard. Suddenly i felt safe, and that i belonged right where i was sitting. "How was wild play?" Brandon asked me while kissing the side of my head. "It was pretty fun actually. I've now done something completely crazy, dangerous, and super bad ass with my two favorite people." I say turning my head to look at the love of my life in the eyes. "I am glad i made the list." He says while laughing at me. "Well obviously you made the list babe. You, and Jude are tied for top spot by the way." I say kissing him on the lips for the first time all day. "I missed you." I whispered to him while i continue to kiss him like my life depended on it. "I missed you too." Brandon says to me causing me to smile. Before it could get more heated; my stupid cell phone starts to ring. "I swear i am going to break my phone." I grumble grabbing it to see who is calling me. It was my dad so i stand up, and walk outside to answer the phone. "Hey Dad." I say to him glancing at Brandon through door. "Hey Cal. So just wanted to let you know that Sophia, and i are on Catalina for the night. So you'll be home alone tonight." He says to me. "Oh okay. Well thanks for letting me know dad. Hope you, and Sophia have a good time." I say. "We will. I'll see you tomorrow." He says then hangs up. "Guess what? My dad, and Sophia are gone for the night so i am home alone." I say with a lot of excitement in my voice. "So boyfriend; want to sleepover?" I ask walking towards him, and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Absolutely." He says kissing my forehead.

"Callie? Brandon? Moms are home!" Mariana says causing us to pull apart. "How are you going to convince your moms to sleep over?" I ask with a smirk on my face. "Oh i will find away to spend the night with you baby." He says kissing my forehead. "We should inside before they come looking for us." He says causing me to unwrap my arms from around his neck. We walk towards the house for dinner with the family. All i wanted to do was go back my giant house, but i promised Stef, and Lena i'd stay for dinner. "Hey kids!" Stef greets us as we walk into the kitchen. "Hey mom." Brandon says sitting down at the kitchen table. I take a seat right next Jude on the opposite side to keep my distance from Brandon. Even though at this very moment all I want to do is touch him.

"So Callie, and Jude what did you two get up to today?" Lena asks as we pass around dinner. "Callie took me to Wild Play, and we did the tree go course." Jude says causing me to break out in a cold sweat. "Wild play? That's kind of dangerous. Callie why would you take Jude there?" Stef asked causing me to drop my fork. "I took Jude to Wild Play because we both deserved to have an adventure." I say getting annoyed with every word I just said. "Callie if you want to spend time with Jude you need to plan less dangerous activities." Stef says. "You know what I don't have to deal with this. I'm going home have a nice night." I say standing up, and walking our the back door.

"Callie wait." I hear Brandon say behind me. "I'm sorry I just can't deal with your mom right now." I say not making eye contact. "It's okay. So I texted Mat, and he's going to cover for me." He says causing me to smile. "Well remind me to thank Mat the next time I see him." I say playfully punching Brandon in the shoulder. "I should go, and finish dinner with the family. But I will be over in awhile." He says to me. "I'll be waiting." I say kissing his cheek, and walking towards the driveway.

Tonight was the first time since Brandon, and became official that we were going to be alone. Nothing was going to ruin what I have planned.

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