All comes down to you.

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Callie's POV:

Everything seemed like a dream, that what happened yesterday was just a very bad dream. I woke up in a strange room, and not knowing where i was; and that scared me. I decide to sit up to try and stop the approaching panic attack; then i glance towards the bedroom door; and my eyes land on Brandon, and everything comes back to me. It wasn't a dream it was true. After months of lying, and hiding our true feelings for each other we can finally be with each other without feeling guilty. A smile creeps onto my face because for the first time in my life i was actually happy. Yes; i hurt so many peoples hearts yesterday, and i'll carry that with me for the rest of my life. But after everything that i have through in my 17 years, i deserve happiness. I find myself staring at Brandon; after everything i've put him through he still loves me.

Suddenly a knock on my bedroom door brings me out of my head, and back into reality. I get off my bed, and walk towards my door to see who it was; even though i knew it was my dad. I open the door to see him standing there with a small smile on his face. "Good morning Callie. I was going to go and grab you a house key, and breakfast. Do you have any suggestions?" He asks me. "Hmmm.. Pancakes, sausages, and coffee. I am in major need of coffee." I tell him. "Alright. And what would Brandon want?" My dad says with a smirk on his face. I had no idea what to say since I was in caught sneaking my boyfriend in the house in the middle of the night. "I saw his car in the driveway Callie. When i told you he can come over i meant in the day time." He says starting to laugh. "Sorry. He got into a fight with his dad, and had nowhere else to go. Sophia gave me the password to the gate." I explain. My dad just stares at me, and nods. "I am going to leave now, but i'll be back in 30 minutes." He says walking down stairs.

I walk back into my room, and close the door. Brandon wasn't awake yet, he looked so cute sleeping. I walked to my bedside table, and my phone. Since i am awake i decide to call the only only person who wasn't mad at me, and the person is Mariana. Silently i walk into the hall, and call Mari. At this point i don't even care if i wake her ass up; i need girl chat. "Callie i swear to god you better be dying." Mariana grumbles as she answers the phone. "Good morning to you to sunshine." I say laughing. "What do you want?" She says to me. "Nothing. My dad woke me up, and Brandon is still sleeping so i am basically bored." I explain. "Hold up. Brandon's at your house?" Mariana asks. Crap, I never should've said that. "Yeah he is here. Brandon and Mike got into a fight so B left, and came here." I say. "What'd Robert say? Or does he not know that you had a sleep over with my brother?" Mariana asks me. I chuckle at her question because that was typical Mariana. "Yeah Robert knows because he saw B's car in the driveway." I say to her. "Okay whatever you say Callie. I should go though as i smell bacon, but I'll text you later." Mariana says. "Sounds good. I miss you Mari." I tell her. "I miss you to Callie. Say hi to Brandon for me." Mariana says as she hangs up.

Walking into my room, i see that Brandon was still asleep; the guy can sleep through almost anything. I walk over to my bed and grab my laptop off of the bedside table, and walk over to my side of the bed. "Morning beautiful." I hear someone say. "Well look who is finally decided to wake up." I say, and lean over to kiss him. "By the way, my dad knows you are here." I say leaning my forehead against his. "I didn't do a very good job at hiding my car now did i?" He says while laughing. "He did seem okay with it, but who knows. He went to get us breakfast though." I say while kissing his nose. We just lay in bed staring at each other, and enjoying each others company. "So have you figured out how you are going to tell Jude?" Brandon breaks the silence. "He's still at camp until Friday so i still have a few days to figure out how to tell him. It's going to make him hate me, and you." I explain feeling my heart break at the thought of my little brother hating me. "I shouldn't have said anything babe. I didn't mean to make you sad." Brandon says while rubbing my arm. "It's okay; we should get up though. Robert will be back in a few minutes with breakfast, and coffee." I say pulling away from his embrace.

Brandon nods, and begins to get up. "Before we go downstairs i just want to say that I love you so much. And thank you for always forgiving me." I tell him trying not to cry. "Of course i forgive you Callie, because i love you too much to not forgive you." He tells me. That was it, we didn't have to say anything else to each other.

A/N: Here is the Thursday update. The song at the beginning is called "All Comes down to you." by Tyler Blackburn. It plays during the Stef & Brandon emotional as fuck scene in 3x09. 

Follow me on social media: LackCityBitchhh is my handle for twitter, tumblr & instagram! 

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