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Callie's POV: 

Mondays. Everything about them are a nightmare to begin with; but add in the first day of school, and it is just way more of an nightmare. School has never been my thing the whole getting up early, sitting in a stuffy classroom surrounded by people you don't even like. The only positive thing about today is that it is mine, and Brandon's first day of senior year! I can see the light at the end of the very dark tunnel. 7 different schools, and countless of amount of summer sessions has brought me here. My alarm goes off at 6:00 AM, and i get out of bed, and shower. Hopefully i've timed out my morning good enough since today i will be driving at least 40 minutes to get to Anchor Beach. Quickly showering, getting dressed, and everything i do in the morning I grab my bag with my phone and walk downstairs. "Good morning dad." I say walking into the kitchen to grab coffee, and something to eat. "Morning Callie. You excited for school?" He asks me causing me to laugh. "Oh yes i am so thrilled about going back to school." I say to him grabbing a muffin. "Is Brandon still sleeping?" I ask. "No he left really early for Disney Hall rehearsal. But he told me to tell you he'll see at school. Speaking of which here is some lunch money." My dad says to me. I felt my face fall as i was looking forward to seeing him this morning. "Thanks dad. I should go, but i'll see you at dinner." I tell him grabbing my car keys, and walking out the front door. I plug my ipod into my car stereo, and begin the longest drive known to man. This drive would've been so much better if Brandon was with me, but i am also needy. 

After 40 minutes i pull into Anchor Beach my anxiety starts to rise, and i put my forehead on my steering wheel. That's when i heard someone knock on my car window causing me lift my head, and see who it was. "Callie!" Mariana says causing me to let out a sigh of relief, and open the car door. "Mariana! How are you this morning?" I ask her locking up my car, and walk towards the front door of the school. "Well first day of junior year, and i have officially put my name in for Junior class president." She says with pure happiness in her voice. "That's amazing Mari. You are so going to win this election." I tell her putting my arm around her shoulders. "Where is Brandon?" Mariana asks me. "He is at Disney Hall rehearsal this morning." I grumble stopping outside of the office. "That's cool. Guess i'll see him at lunch then." Mariana says walking away from me. I open the office door, and see Monte talking to the secretary so i stood waiting. "Oh Callie i am glad you are here. We need to have a chat sometime today about your senior class project." Monte says. "Of course. I am here for my class list at the moment." I say trying not to sound like a bitch. "Right well how about during your free period?" Monte asked me. "Sure. I'll see you then." I grumble. I grab my list, and new locker assignment then leave the office. Walking towards my first i hear someone behind call my name; so i stop, and turn around. 

"Hey Callie." AJ says to me looking me up, and down with his eyes. "Hey AJ. Happy first day of senior year." I say trying to stop the tension from rising within him. "Yeah it's a great day. Where is your lover boy?" AJ spits at me. "He has Disney Hall prep, and why does it matter?" I ask walking away from him. "It's not nice to lead people on Callie." AJ says stopping me dead in my tracks. "When did i lead you on?" I ask him. "When we kissed on your birthday, and all the flirting. So is that your  thing; hooking up with your foster brothers?" AJ says to me causing me slap across his face. "You don't know a damn thing about me AJ! Want to know the truth? I regret kissing you on my birthday; that didn't mean anything to me. My relationship with Brandon is sure as hell none of your business. Stay the fuck away from me got it!?" I scream at him, and walk outside to get some air. and clear my head. This was exactly why i didn't want to come to school today; i knew AJ would flip at me. 

"Callie? Are you okay?" I hear someone say behind me. "No i am not okay." I say glancing behind me to see Mat standing there. "I saw AJ verbally attacking you. Want me to kick his ass?" He asks me with a smile on his face. "I think i am good, but for future consideration i may take you up on that." I say laughing. "Glad i could make you laugh at least. What class are you supposed to be in?" Mat asked me. "English with Timothy. You?" I ask him walking towards the class. "Same here. Since we are both going to be late, let's sit next to each other." Mat says. I nod in agreement, and we walk to class to see we are literally 2 seconds early. After English i had biology; which is probably my least favourite one. I walk towards class when someone grabs me from behind, and pulls me into the janitor closet. "What the fuck?" I ask the stranger. "Callie it's me." Brandon says to me. "You are such an ass! You scared me half to death!" I whisper/yell at him. "Sorry i missed you this morning though." He says kissing me which causes me to melt. "Same here. I have had the worst morning, and it's only just beginning." I say to him kissing him again. "Want to tell me about it?" Brandon asked me. "How about during lunch? I'll meet you in the music room." I tell him which Brandon nodded in agreement. "I need to get to biology. I love you." I say kissing him again, and walking out of the closet hoping nobody saw. 

Just as i walked into biology my phone beeped notifying me that i got a text, 

Brandon: You left before i could tell you... I love you more. 

I smile widely hoping nobody noticed i respond. 

Callie: Not possible. See you later. 

Our biology teacher comes into the classroom, and i put my phone into my bag. I had a total of two hours until i can finally spend some quality with Brandon; that thought made me get through the remainder of my crap-tastic morning. 

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