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Stef's POV:

The moment i saw Brandon's name come up on my phone I knew he was in trouble. Also knew something was wrong the moment i heard his voice, and i had a very bad feeling. Things between Brandon, and I have been icy since the whole Callie thing came out. I didn't handle it the right way; which has now caused a huge wedge between us. So now i find myself sitting on the porch swing waiting for my son to arrive because he has something to tell me. Thousands of scenarios have gone through my head, and none of them were good ones. That is when i see Brandon pull into the driveway, and my heart sank. Brandon looked like he hasn't slept in weeks, and that he was in pain which caused my heart break. He gets out of the car, and starts walking towards the porch looking at the ground. That is when i stood up, and walk towards him to bring him into a much needed hug. "Hey baby come here." I say to him. He immediately wrapped his arms around me, and I felt the tension leave his body. Brandon starts to pull away, and i can tell he was trying not to cry. "Want to go inside?" I ask him which causes Brandon to nod in agreement. "Okay come on." I quietly say opening the front door. 

Walking inside we walk over to the living room, and Brandon sits down with his head down. "What's going on Brandon?" I ask him sitting down beside him. He glances over towards him trying to the find the right words to tell me what he has to say. "Is everyone sleeping still?" He asked me speaking for the first time since getting here. "Yes Brandon they are still sleeping. What is going on? Did you, and Callie break up?" I ask him. "What? No we didn't break up mom. Sorry to burst your hopeful bubble." He says to me. "I'm sorry that i said that B. You are just so upset, and i assumed that was what happened." I say. Brandon lets out a sigh, and puts his head on the cushion behind his head. "I'm sorry i didn't mean to lash out at you like that mom." He mumbles while looking at me with nothing but sadness on his face. "You don't owe me an apology B. If you just want to sit here until you feel like it's time to tell me what is clearly bothering you then we will. Because you are my son, and i am going to support you with whatever it is okay?" I say to him also placing my head on the cushion behind me. That is when Brandon placed his head on my shoulder, and grabbed my hand. "A couple of weeks ago Callie suffered a miscarriage. I found out the other night after my performance at Disney Hall, and we haven't been dealing with it the right way. Because what is the best way to deal with something like this?" Brandon says to me with tears rolling down his face. 

My heart immediately broke into a thousand pieces because i can see that my son; my first love in uncontrollable pain. "What hurts the most mom is she didn't find out she was pregnant until it was too late. Like why does the universe want Callie to suffer so much? She hasn't done anything wrong to deserve this pain, and torture!" Brandon says crying even harder. I wrap my arms around him tighter then life, and just let him cry. Nothing i could say to him would make this hurt go away; so I just sat on the couch holding my son. "Honey does anyone else know about this?" I ask Brandon. "Just Mariana, Sophia, Robert, and now you. Callie told Mariana at Disney Hall, and Sophia found out because well she's Sophia." He says wiping the tears away. "Right of course." I say kissing the top of his head. "I was so worried about how you were going to react mom. I was scared of disappointing you again." He says causing my heart to break even more. "Brandon honey; i love you so much. Yes we've had our differences, but you are still my son. I am so sorry you, and Callie are going through this." I say to him causing Brandon to nod. "How are we going to get through this mom? I can see Callie forcing herself to not shut me out." He says to me. "Everybody goes through horrible things in life Brandon, and they deal with it in different ways. But you at least have each other to get you through this, and you two have us. I won't let you two go through this alone, and i am sure Robert won't either." I say to him. Brandon nods in agreement, and lifts his head off my shoulder. "Can you keep this between us until I feel like telling mama, and dad?" He asked me looking like the broken boy. "Of course honey." I say. 

We sit in silence for an awhile until i hear someone coming down stairs. "Oh Brandon good morning." Lena greets us. "Good morning mama." Brandon says in a quiet voice. "Is everything okay?" Lena asks us both causing Brandon to tense up. "Hey honey why don't you go upstairs, and lay down on your bed?" I ask him hoping it'll cause him calm down. "Sure. Thanks moms." He says, and power walks up the stairs. Lena just stares at me with the most confused look on her face. Instead of questioning her reaction i get off the couch, and towards the kitchen. 

"Stef why is Brandon here?" Lena asks me. "Because this is where he lives Lena!" I say to her. "You are hiding something from me, and you know i hate secrets. We've been told a lot of lies over the past year Stef, and they all have to do with Brandon so tell me why he is here." She demands. "I am not telling you Lena because Brandon asked me not too. Drop it please!" I say to her, and walk outside the back yard. I knew my wife pretty well so i knew she'd follow me outside. "Did him, and Callie break up?" She asked me. "No they aren't broken up." I say to her. "Robert kick him out?" She asked me. "Nope. I swore to my son that i would keep this to myself until he is ready to tell you, and Mike so drop it." I say walking back into the house. 

I grabbed my car keys, wallet, cell phone, and walked to the front door. "Stef where are you going?" Lena asked behind me. "I am going to talk to Callie." I say, and walk out of the house. I knew the conversation with Callie is long overdue, and now was the best time to have it. 

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