Don't Let Me Down

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Mariana's POV: 

Shock, anger, disgust, and outrage were my emotions at the moment. I find myself standing next to Brandon on the porch not knowing what to think, say or even feel about the hurricane that is known Callie ripped through the house. Brandon was completely right when he came into my room, and said that Callie was upset about something. I mean he knows her emotions better then i do, but neither one of us were prepared for what we witnessed. "What the fuck just happened?" I ask Brandon after standing in complete silence for what felt like days. "I have no idea Mariana." Brandon says looking at me. "Callie just dropped a bomb, and this family will never be the same." I say. "Got that right. To say i am shocked that mom did this, and kept it a secret for months!" Brandon says to me. "Do you think mama knows about this? Do you think she was in on it?" I ask him. "I am not sure, but we are about to find out." Brandon says turning around, and open the front door. Hurricane Callie left it's mark on the house; now Brandon's anger was to about to finish up the destruction. "Brandon wait!" I yell following him inside. 

We walk into the kitchen where we find mom on the phone. "Lena you need to come home. Callie knows the truth, and so do the kids." She says looking towards where we were standing. My mom gets off the phone, and continues to stare at us. "How could you mom? How could blackmail Robert like that? You tore apart a family!!" Brandon says breaking the silence. "No Brandon. I did not break about a family. Robert did that all on his own; so don't you dare put that blame on me." Mom says which made me mad. "MOM! How can you stand in front of us, and blame Robert! Callie was right about a lot of things today. One of those things Callie said was you were intimidated by Robert, and holy shit you were. Actually both you, and mama were intimidated by him. Because you knew he would win custody of Callie." I say knowing i was about to cry. "Did Lena know about this?" Brandon asked. "She knew afterwards." Mom says. "Un-fucking-believable." Brandon says walking out of the kitchen. "Where are you going Brandon?" Mom asked. "Away from you." He says. 

"Mariana please just listen to my side of the story." Mom says to me. "You know what mom; no i am not going to listen to you. Because everything you have said in the past year was a fucking lie." I say, and leave the kitchen. That is when i see Brandon walking down the stairs with a bag. "Are you going back to Callie's?" I ask him already knowing the answer is yes. "Yes i am going back to Robert's, and probably not coming back for awhile." He says walking closer to the front door. "Can you wait for a few minutes? I want to come with you." I say. "I'll be in the car Mari." He says opening the front door.  As soon as Brandon goes outside I run upstairs to pack some clothes. I usually keep my anger under control, but today is a different story. So many lies. While packing my stuff someone knocks on my bedroom door; glancing over i see my mom standing there. 

"Mariana what are you doing?" My mom asked me. "Packing." I say turning my head to look her right in the eyes. "Mariana Adams Foster stop packing right now!" She says to me. "No! You caused this family to turn our backs on you." I say walking past her, and leaving my room. Just as soon as I get to the front door mama comes inside. "What is going on?" She asked me. "Ask your wife." I grumble, and walk out the front door. My heart immediately broke into a thousand pieces walking out of my moms who adopted Jesus, and I without batting an eye. Who showed us what a real family looks like; yes it hurt doing what i just did, but i had to clear my head. 

Walking over to Brandon's car i open the passenger door, and immediately get inside. "Mariana are you going to be okay?" My brother asks me. "I will be. Just shut up, and drive." I say looking him right in the eyes. Brandon just nods, and turns the car on. As soon as we pull out of the driveway everything that as happened comes flooding into my mind. "Did you ever imagine that our family would be like this?" I ask Brandon after a few silent minutes. "No I didn't." He answers me glancing in my direction. "Does Callie know I am coming with you or is that a secret?" I ask him. "Both Callie, and Robert know Mariana. Robert sounded okay with it, but i am not sure how long he is going to be fine with us staying at his house. I am sure he would like his alone time with his daughter." Brandon says to me. "I understand." I say nodding. "That goes for me as well. Wonder if Mat's family would allow us to move in." He says causing me to laugh. "No comment on that bro." I say to him. 

We continue our long drive to our new temporary home; feels weird thinking this. 

A/N: Sorry for the delay on updating. This has been done for a bit; just kept forgetting to check my drafts. Next chapter will be in Stef's pov, and it's almost finished as well. Thank youu for your patience loves. 

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