Telling Mariana.

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Callie's POV:

I cannot believe what just happened; how this shit day turned into the best day of my life. "Brandon are we crazy? Did we seriously just get engaged?" I ask Brandon. "I am pretty sure we just did. It wasn't how I imagined on proposing to you, but it kind of just happened." He says to me. "Wait you have the way you were going to propose to me already planned?" I ask him smiling because of course he did. This is Brandon Foster we are talking about. "That shouldn't be a shock to you Callie." He says rolling his eyes at me. "You do know that we have to tell our families. Because my dad will know something is up when we come home from school giddy, and ridiculously happy." I say to him. "We should tell our sisters first; especially Mariana as she is about to walk in here." Brandon says to me. In between our sudden engagement we missed the bell. Oh well trig can wait for another day as we have something more to deal with. "Well look who it is; my wonderful brother, and my best friend Callie. Don't you two have a class to get too?" Mariana asks us. "Well hello to you too Mariana. Callie, and I decided to skip last period today." Brandon says rubbing my back. "Well I have a free period, and I was planning on rehearsing this song from R&J." Mariana says. Brandon, and I make eye contact which causing Mariana to groan. "Look I love you both, but stop with the eye sex in front of others." Mariana says putting her sheet music on the music stand. "Mariana. If Brandon, and I tell you something can you keep it to yourself?" I ask her knowing she can't keep a secret to save her life. "Depends on what it is to be honest. Although I kept your miscarriage a secret so give me props Callie." Mariana rambles on.

"Mariana stop talking." Brandon says to her. Mariana stops talking, and her facial expression turns serious. "Okay you both are scaring me. What's going on?" She asks us both. Brandon takes my hand, and we both let out a sigh. "Callie, and I are engaged." Brandon says to Mariana. Instantly Mariana broke into the biggest grin I have ever seen, and she starts clapping her hands. "Well holy shit. It's about fucking time you popped the question Brandon!" Mariana says to us causing me to laugh. Mariana walks towards us, and pulls us into a very tight hug. "I take it you are on board with this Mari?" I ask her. "Obviously." Mariana says letting go of Brandon, and I while trying to hide the fact she was crying. "Wait am I the first person you two have told?" Mariana asks. "Considering this happened about 20 minutes ago i'd say yes you are the first person we've told. So please don't say anything to anyone until we are ready to tell moms, and Robert." Brandon says to her. "Your secret is safe with me. Only because I have been waiting for this very moment for awhile." Mariana says with a smug look on her face.

I internally groan as I know Mariana is already planning what the color scheme of the wedding is going to be. "Oh by the way.. Tell Robert first. Moms are going to flip, and not be pleased. Robert loves you like a son B; he'll be accepting. Moms on the handle hand though; it is a good thing you don't live at home right now." Mariana says. "Thanks Mariana," Brandon grumbles. As soon as Mariana said that everything came flooding back. The fact that Stef, Lena, and ever Mike will be angry with both us. Saying things like we are throwing our lives away, and we aren't actually in love. "Mariana is right Brandon. We can't tell your moms, and Mike about this." I say to him grabbing my bag, and running out of the music room.

After leaving campus I wind up on the beach trying to come to terms with what has happened. One minute I am over the moon in love, happy, and engaged. Now I am crying on the beach because I flipped out over something Mariana said. "I knew I was going to find you out here." Brandon says to me while sitting down next to me. Instead of answering him I find myself staring at the ocean in front of me. After 10 minutes of silence I finally get the courage to say something. "Mexico." I say to Brandon, and look at him. "What about Mexico?" Brandon asks me making eye contact. "The legal age to get married in Mexico is 16. We both have passports, and we can just drive there." I say to him. "Are you being serious?" He asked me. "Brandon. I love you beyond words. Let's just go to Mexico, and get married. You know when I kidnapped you to go hang gliding? Part of me wanted to get married then, but we settled on breaking the law. You are my best friend, and all I want to do is marry my best friend." I say to him. "You are such a pain in the ass Callie Jacob. Only you would suggest we drop everything, and go to Mexico." He says to me. "What can I say I full of surprises." I say standing up. "Are you positive about this Callie? It's going to cause more problems, and piss off moms." He says to me. "I have never been more sure of anything in my life." I say to him. "Then let's go to Mexico." Brandon says to me standing up from the beach.

We walk towards the parking lot, and get into Brandon's car. Nothing is going to stop us from now.

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