Empty Gold

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Brandon's POV:

Standing in the entrance way of Callie's house passionately kissing her when i hear her phone ring. "I thought you said you were going to turn off your phone?" I ask her after pulling away from her. "Yeah i didn't get around to it obviously." Callie grumbles grabbing her phone. "It's my sister I should answer it." She quickly says answering her phone. I grab her box of belonging, and carry it upstairs to her room. Callie didn't own much stuff; it was mostly just books, and pictures of her, Jude and her mom before her mom died. Growing up the way her, and Jude did you weren't necessarily allowed to keep things as the other kids would probably steal it. I couldn't even imagine going through what Callie, Jude, and even Mariana and Jesus went through before coming to live with our family.

"Yes Sophia i understand that you are still angry with dad." Callie says walking into her room, and sitting on her bed. I can easily tell that Callie was totally over her conversation with Sophia just by her facial expression. "Well little sister you are going to have to see him sooner or later as i am living here." Callie says rolling her eyes which causes me to laugh. "Sophia i love you, but Brandon's here and it's kind of rude to be talking to you. So i'll call you later." She says, and hangs up letting out a sigh. "I swear she is over dramatic about everything." Callie grumbles. "Have you met Mariana?" I say with a small laugh in my voice. "Sophia, and Mariana should be friends." Callie says laughing. I hear my phone beep so i grab it off of the dresser. "Hey babe did you give AJ my number?" I ask Callie. "Yeah like i'd give him your number. Why?" Callie asks me. "Because he just texted me asking me to stop by my dads." I explain to her. "Maybe your dad gave it to him." Callie says standing up from the bed walking towards to me. "Maybe your dad wants to apologize for what happened last night... Are you going to go talk to him?" Callie asks me. "We had plans to sleep all day though." I say to her with a slight whine in my voice. "You are beyond cute B, but i doubt my dad will be okay with you sleeping over two nights in a row. So go talk to your dad, and then come back over because we have dinner later." Callie says kissing my cheek. "Okay fine i'll drive to my dads, and talk to him. But if it goes badly i am blaming you." I tell her with a small smile on my face.

"Of course you will." Callie says with a sarcastic tone in her voice. "The sooner you leave B the sooner you can come back, and see me. Oh; and can you bring me my guitar?" She asks me. "Yes baby i will bring your guitar. I should leave now, and i'll be back as soon as possible." I tell. The thought of leaving her alone in this big house alone. "I know what you are thinking B, and i am going to be fine here all alone. I am probably just going to watch Friends, and take a nap." She tells me while putting her arms around me. "So you are going to do what we planned to do today by yourself? I am actually hurt by that." I tell her while kissing her head. My phone rings again causing me to pull out of the embrace. "is it your dad?" Callie asks. "No it's AJ again. I should go though, i have along drive upon me, I'll be back soon." I tell her kissing her beautiful lips, and walked towards her bedroom door. "I think you forgot something." Callie says. "What?" I ask her confused. "I love you." She says to me with a cute smile on her face. "Callie Quinn Jacob I love you too." I tell her as i walk out the door, and begin to walk down the stairs. "Brandon wait, you forgot your keys." Callie says handing them to me. "Thank you." I say to her while kissing her cheek.

I walked outside to get into my car, and unlock the door. Here is to a 30 minute drive into town, and I am still trying to figure out my dad didn't just call me himself. I hook my phone up to the blue tooth, and call my dad to see what he wants. Letting it ring until his voicemail picked up, I decide to leave a message. "Hey dad it's me. I am on my way to your house; so i'll see you in a bit." I say as i hang up. After the 30 minute drive i pull up to my dads complex, and turn my car off. I walk up to his door, and knock; after a few seconds AJ answers the door. "Hey man. Your dads not here, he got called into work before you got here." He explains. "Oh right. Is it okay if i just grab some stuff?" I ask walking into the apartment. "Sure. Your dad wanted me to ask you where you are staying." AJ says to me. I was kind annoyed so i refused to answer his question. Because let's be honest it's not his business where i am staying. Grabbing my laptop, and Callie's guitar I walk towards the front door. "Just tell my dad that i stopped by, and if he wants i'll call him tomorrow." I say and open the door. There standing in front of me was the last person i ever wanted to see again... Dani.

A/N: Hey guys. These past three days i've been having this recurring dream where that bitch Dani gets out of jail, so i decided to bring her into this fic.

The song at the beginning of this chapter is called: Empty Gold by Halsey so check it out.

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