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Callie's POV: 

I've been a firm believer of never keeping secrets as they tend to come around, and bite you in the ass. I find myself standing in the hallow halls of Disney Hall surrounded by family watching the love of my life talk about his future with the president of Disney Hall. Everything was going so right in both of our lives, but of course I had a dark cloud overshadowing my life. Mariana was standing next to me, and she noticed that i was crying even before i could. "Callie come with me to the bathroom." Mariana says dragging me away from everybody else. We get to the bathroom, and as soon as we walk inside i completely lose my shit. "Oh Callie. What is going on?" Mariana asks me sliding down the bathroom door, and joins me on the floor. "I am keeping a secret from Brandon. This is a secret that will probably make him leave me." I say while sniffling, and wiping my tears away. "Okay. What makes you think he'll leave you?" She asks me. "Because it's just a feeling i have." I say to her. "Callie. My brother loves you beyond words. I swear he fell in love with you the moment he laid eyes on you the first night mama brought you home. He thinks you walk on water for fuck sakes. So tell me what you did to cause you to think he would walk out of your life." Mariana says to me. I let out a sigh, and turn my head so i am looking right in the eyes. "A couple of days ago i went to the doctor because i wasn't feeling good. I thought it was just my period, but my dad was worried so he made me go in. But it wasn't my period Mariana." I say starting to cry again. "Callie are you telling me that you were pregnant..?" She asked me. "Yes i was pregnant. I suffered a miscarriage at 7 weeks, and I have been holding onto this secret for a few days now. Sophia knows only because she went through my dresser, and found a doctors note." I say to her as i lay my head on her shoulder. "I am so sorry Callie." Mariana says to me. Her words set me off even more, and i just sob harder not caring who hears me. 

"Callie. You need to tell Brandon; because it's obvious that this is eating at you. He is going to understand, and it may take him awhile to get over. But he loves you, and you love him so just be there for each other." She says to me. I nod my head against her shoulder. Someone knocks on the bathroom door scaring us both. "Callie? Mariana? We are about to leave so can you both join us please?" Stef says from behind the door. "Of course mom; we'll be out in just a minute." Mariana says grabbing some paper towel to clean up our faces. "I mean i am not a miracle worker, but at least no one will suspect we were crying." Mariana says getting the makeup off my face. "Thank you for listening to me Mari." I say to her pulling her into a hug. "Of course Callie. You are my sister, and my best friend. I am always here for you to emotionally break down with." She says. We walk out of the bathroom, and walk towards where the family were waiting. "You two okay?" Stef asked both Mariana, and I. "Yeah sorry we were having girl talk, and lost track of time." Mariana said. Stef nods her head, and starts walking outside to where my dad, and everyone else were waiting. "Alright here are the ladies; shall we get going?" Stef announced. "Yes we should." My dad says. I take one last look at Mariana, and start walking towards my dads car to head back to my house. "Alrighty kids lets head home!" My dad says unlocking the car, and the three of us get inside. 

I sit in the back next to Brandon who was glowing so bright; as he should be. "I wasn't able to say this, but you slayed baby. I am so proud of you." I whisper to him. He turns his head to look at me, and just smiled. My heart melted instantly, and i knew that i had to tell him the truth; just not tonight. Tonight was his night to celebrate his achievement. We sat in silence; not saying a single word the entire way back to the house. Usually it made me feel uncomfortable, but i needed the silence for a change. I kept thinking about the negative side effects of telling Brandon about the miscarriage. How he might blame himself for causing it even though i had no idea i was pregnant. We arrive home, and i instantly wanted to get into my sweat pant. But i wasn't able to do that as we had the rest of the family coming over for cocktails, and appetizers. My dad parks the car in the garage, and shuts the car off. Him, and Sophia get out of the car; as i was about to open my door Brandon stops me. "Can we borrow your dads car, and ditch this shindig?" He asked me. "Oh how i wish we could, but this shindig is being held in your honor." I say to him, and open the door.

We walk inside the house to see it decorated, and people handing out food. "Holy fuck." I say to him. "Yeah holy fuck indeed." Brandon says. "I guess going upstairs, and changing into sweat pants is out of the question." I say causing Brandon to chuckle. "Are you two just going to stand there? Join the party!" Sophia says grabbing my hand, and dragging us both towards the living room. That is where we spot Brandon's moms, and dad talking to my dad. At least they can now have a conversation without wanting to kill each other. "Brandon! Callie! Come over here you two." Lena says. "You know what I have to go the bathroom, but i'll be back in minute." I say to them, and excuse myself. Mariana spots me walking up the stairs, and follows me to my room. "What happened?" Mariana asked me. Instead of answering her I lean over my toilet, and throw up. "Well i guess this answers my question." She mumbles, and holds my hair back. "This is what secrets do to people Callie." She says as i flush, and lean against the bathtub. "Not helping Mariana." I grumble at her. She stands up, and grabs me a cup full of cold water. "I am just speaking truth, and you are to stubborn to admit it." She says sitting next to me. "I know i have to tell him, but i can't do that tonight. Brandon has worked so hard to get to this moment, and I am not going to ruin it by telling him." I say to her. "Tell me what?" Brandon says walking into the bathroom. "Callie what aren't you going to tell me?" He asked in a firm tone. "I am going to leave you two to talk." Mariana says standing up, and walking out of the bathroom. This very moment I knew i had no choice, but to tell him. "Care to join me on the floor?" I ask him. Brandon gives me a strange look, but he sits down next to me. 

"Okay I need you to remember that this is very hard for me to tell you." I say to him taking his hand in mine. "Callie you are scaring me. What is going on?" He asked me. I let out a sigh trying to find the words to explain this. "The other day i wasn't feeling good, and i was having pain so I told my dad so he took me to the doctors. Anyways i just figured it was my period, but it wasn't." I say to him looking at the floor. "What are you saying?" He asked me, but i knew he understood what i was saying. "I was seven weeks pregnant." I say, and that i when i completely lost all control of my emotions. I never knew i could feel so broken until that moment. Brandon pulled me into a hug, and we just held each other in our arms. "I should've told you sooner." I sob into his shoulder. "It's okay Callie." He says kissing the top of my head. 

We stayed in each others arms, and on the bathroom floor the rest of the night. We didn't care about the stupid party, or the family. At that moment all we cared about was each other, and the baby we lost. Nothing else mattered. 

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