Adventure Day with Jude.

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Callie's POV: 

Today is going to be so much fun. I get to spend some much needed one on one time with my little brother who i missed so much. "Where are we going Callie?" Jude asked me causing me to smile. "You'll see." I say smirk causing Jude to groan. We drive for another 20 minutes until we get to where I wanted to go. "What is this place?" Jude asked with shock in his voice. "We are at Wild play! It's an obstacle course in the trees!" I say to Jude which causes him to smile huge. "You are insane! But i am so down for this Callie!" He says grabbing my hand, and drags me to the entrance.  Jude who is 13 is way more brave then my 17 year old boyfriend when it comes to doing slightly dangerous things. "Hi my name is Callie Jacob, and this is my brother Jude. We are here to attempt your tree course." I say to the man at the registration booth. "Ah yes! Well welcome to Wild Play, and i just need you two to fill out these forms." He says handing Jude, and I clip boards. We sit down on the bench, and read over the rules, and guidelines. This can't be anymore dangerous then hang gliding in Mexico; at least here it's not breaking the law. After five minutes of reading, and signing the forms Jude, and I were ready to get this day started. "Alright so here are the harnesses, and when you get to the start the guide will attach the bungee line so if you fall you won't hurt yourself." The man said while hooking us up with the harnesses. I look over at Jude, and he was smiling so big it made my heart melt. "Excuse me; can you take our picture?" I ask the man after making sure Jude, and i were strapped in properly.   "Of course." The man says taking my phone, and snapping a picture of us. "Thank you!" I say grabbing my phone back, and looking at the picture. "Oh man we look so bad ass!" Jude says making me laugh. "That we do Judicorn! Ready to go?" I ask him, and Jude nods his head. We start walking towards the beginning of the course, and i start to feel scared. "Cal? Hey you okay?" Jude asked me placing a hand on my back. "I didn't realize how high it was that's all." I say to him taking deep breaths to calm down. "Callie you can do this. We are going to attached to bungee line so we won't get hurt if we fall." Jude says looking me right in the eye. I nod in agreement, and we continue to walk to the person who held our safety in his hands. "Alrighty! Here is your line, this will stop you from falling on the ground." He says attaching the bungee to both mine, and Jude's harness. "At every height change we have someone on stand by to make sure you both are okay. Have a blast kids!" The woman says to us. Jude, and I nodded at each other, and began climbing the first obstacle. 

Three hours later after multiple height changes, and bruises later we finally finished the course. To say i was exhausted would be the understatement of the year. "That was incredible Callie!" Jude said while climbing down the final set of steps. "Wasn't it? I am so happy we did this together bud." I say to Jude while pulling him into a hug. "Thank you for bringing me here Cal." Jude says to me while separating from our embrace. "Have fun?" asked this lady who came over to unhook our bungees. "Can you take our picture?" Jude asked the lady causing me to smile. "Jude i am so sweaty though." I grumble, but smile when she takes our picture. "Doesn't matter. Moms are going to be so mad at us." Jude says when we start walking towards the parking lot. "Then add it to the list of reasons why moms don't like me." I say to him. We make it back to the entrance where we go, and take off our harnesses. "How was it?" the same man as earlier. "Incredible!" Jude says with enthusiasm radiating from his mouth. "How much do i owe you?" I ask him. "$150." The man says while i grab my bank card from my back pocket. The transaction goes through, and he hands me a receipt. "Thank you for coming to Wild Play, and we hope to see you again." He says while Jude, and i start walking back to my car. 

"Want to get some lunch before heading back to moms?" I ask Jude. "Sure. Want to go to pacos?" He asked, and i nod in agreement. 25 minutes later we arrive at Pacos, and instantly my stomach starts to grumble. We get inside the restaurant, and find a table by the booth where the waitress hands us menus. "I am so going to send this picture to Connor." Jude says with a smile. "Should i send this one to Brandon?" I ask Jude. "If you want too. I mean i doubt he'll tell on us would he?" Jude asked causing me to laugh. "Uh no he won't bud. Brandon, and i are very good at keeping secrets from moms." I say with a smirk. I take my phone out to text Brandon. 

Callie: Guess what Jude, and I did today!  *See attachment*

I hit send, and set my phone down when the waitress comes back to take our orders. "I'll get the beef burrito with extra guacamole." I say. I wasn't surprised that Jude ordered the same thing as me; we are basically the same when it comes to Mexican food. My phone beeps with a text message from B. 

Brandon: Did you go to Wild Play? I am so jealous! 

His message made me smile as i knew he would be jealous even though Brandon wasn't into outdoorsy things. 

The waitress came back with our food, and we settled into a comfortable silence while we ate our food. "So i sent Brandon that picture as well." Jude said after a few minutes later. "Wait did you just make an effort to be nice?" I ask Jude which causes him to laugh. "Callie i told you i would try." Jude explains causing me to nod. "Well thank you." I say grabbing my phone. "We should go back moms. They invited me for dinner; so we should go." I say as Jude nods in agreement. I settle the bill, and grab my brothers hand while we walk to the car. 

"Thank you for today Cal. It will forever be of my greatest ones." Jude says while he gets into my car. 

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