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Callie's POV:

Brandon, and i walk down to the kitchen when my dad walks in with breakfast. "Hey kids. Here is some breakfast." My dad says while placing the bags, and coffee onto the counter. "Do you take cream and sugar in your coffee Callie?" My dad asks. "Uh no i don't just pass it here." I tell him while taking the Starbucks cup. "How about you Brandon? Do you drink coffee?" My dad asks him. Brandon shakes his head no while grabbing a pancake. We sit in silence eating our breakfast, and it was kind of awkward. "Oh Callie here is a key to the house. And thanks to my other beautiful daughter you already have the code to the gate." My dad says with a grin on his face. I reach over to grab the key trying not to make direct eye contact. "Well i have to go to the office for a few hours. I should be back by dinner. Brandon will you be joining us?" My dad asks. Brandon looks terrified which causes me to laugh because he looked so cute. "Okay Brandon i am not going to kill you. I just want to get to know my daughter's boyfriend." My dad says to him. "Yeah okay. That sounds great." Brandon says to my dad with a small smile. "Okay well i am off to work. You kids have fun, see you tonight." My dad says walking out the door.

After I hear the door close i burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" Brandon asks me. "I'm sorry, but the look on your face when my dad was trying to have a conversation with you was priceless." I say to him. "I'm glad you found that funny." Brandon says with a small smile on his face. "He's right though, I don't think he's going to kill you. Both Sophia, and myself think you are kind of great." I tell him placing my hands on his shoulders. "Well I think you, and Sophia are pretty great too." He tells me, and places a soft kiss on my lips. The kiss begins to get heated, then like clockwork my phone rings to ruin the moment. I look at the caller ID, and see that Mariana is calling me. "Your annoying sister is calling me." I say to Brandon before answering. "Yes Mariana what do you want?" I ask her causing Brandon to quietly laugh. "Well hello to you too Callie. I am calling you with a heads up. Mama is coming to your house to drop off your stuff. So i advise you to either hide Brandon, or park his car somewhere else." Mariana tells me. This causes me to have a mini panic attack; and B can see that i am beginning to freak out so he grabs my phone from me to talk to Mariana. "Hey Mari it's me whats going on?" He asks her. "Okay, and how long ago did she leave?" Brandon asks while he rubs my arm to try, and keep me calm. "So she'll be here in like 15 minutes? Alright, thank you for the heads up Mari. We love you too." B says and hangs up.

"Lena should be here in 15 minutes." He quietly tells me. I nod, and make eye contact with him. "And here all i wanted was a stress-free day of doing nothing with you." I say while trying not to cry. Brandon get's up from his chair, and pulls me into a hug. "It'll be okay. I am sure she'll just drop off your stuff, and leave. Mariana says that they're both still angry at the both of us." He says to me. His voice was soft, and soothing which calmed me down. "I just hope she doesn't bring Jude up because i am already freaking out trying to think of what to tell him." i quickly say. All of a sudden i hear a vehicle pull into the drive way, and my world stops. Both Brandon, and I pull out of our embrace and just stare at each other. "We didn't hide your car, so Lena knows you are here." I say to him as i begin to stand up. "Yeah well I am sure my dad already told them i left in a snit last night." Brandon says as he follows me to the door.

We stand at the door holding hands, and our fingers laced together; staring at it just waiting for Lena to ring the doorbell. Two minutes later the bell rings, and i answer the door seeing Lena standing there with a box in her hands. "Hello Callie. Oh i see that Brandon's here as well." Lena says with hurt, and anger in her voice. "Well here is the rest of your stuff. Mariana packed for you so if you are missing anything talk to her." Lena says. "Thank you for dropping this off." I mumble. "Brandon, by the way; you should call Mike. He's worried about you." Lena says while walking towards her car.

We watch as Lena gets into her car, and drive away from the house. At that very moment I broke into tears. Not because i regretted my decision; because I've caused the family to hate the person i loved more than air. "It's going to be okay Callie." He whispers into my ear. All i can muster up is a nod, and i bend over to grab the box. "Let's just go inside; and turn off our phones, and just sleep all day." I tell him. Brandon lets out a sigh, and grabs the box from my hands. "Mariana forgot to pack one thing." I say as we walk back into the house. "And what would that be?" Brandon asks me. I turn stop walking, and turn to him. "The guitar you gave me." I tell him with a smile on my face. "Well in Mariana's defense i kind of took the guitar yesterday, and brought it to my dads." He tells me. Instead of answering him i just walk closer to him, and kiss him hard.

A/N: Here is a surprise update full of emotion. I am an emotional wreck tonight for some reason so i decided to write the update, and listen to sad music. The song at the beginning is called "Honest" by Kodaline so check it out as they are amazing!

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