Talk me down.

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Callie's POV: 

After waking up from some much needed sleep after the emotionally drained night before; i glance over to Brandon's side of the bed, and grab his phone to check what time it was. It was 4:30, and we had this dinner tonight with the Julliard scout. "Baby." I whisper to him while kissing his face. "What?" He grumbles at me. "It's 4:30 we have to get up, and get ready to go for dinner." I say. "But i was having an amazing dream." He whines causing me to laugh. "I am sure you were." I say sitting up. "Callie don't leave." He says to me. "I need to shower, and get ready. As do you so get up please." I say standing up, and walking out of his room. "Hey how are you?" I hear Sophia ask me. "How do you think i am doing Sophia? I lost a baby, and i was blackmailed my sister! So i am doing not so great." I yell at her, and storm into my room locking the door behind me. All i wanted to do right now was alone, and think. I walk over to my dresser, and open the top drawer when the note from my doctor was. Grabbing it I sit down in front on the floor, and read it for the 100th time. Why does the universe hate me? Why did God take mine, and Brandon's baby away from us? Those thoughts kept running through my head until i find myself crying again. Knowing that crying wasn't going to get me through this dark time in my life; I manage to crawl over to my bed where my phone was. I check, and see that Mariana called twice while i was napping next to Brandon. "Shit!" I mumble to myself when i realize that i only had half an hour to get ready for this dinner. Standing up I grab this black dress, and walk into my bathroom. That is when everything from last night came rushing back to me. Realizing that i can't  get ready in there; I grab my make up, and walk out of the bathroom; and unlock my bedroom door. 

I walk over to Brandon's room, and open his door. "B?" I ask as i walk inside. "Brandon?" I ask again when his bathroom door opens. "Holy hell! Callie what are you doing?" He asks me. Brandon was just in his boxers which was very distracting. "Sorry i just need to use to your bathroom, and quickly get ready." I say trying to avoid his knowing eyes that i was totally staring at his body. "Sure." He says as i walk into the bathroom. I close the door, and turn on the shower. Standing under the warm water i find myself sitting on the floor of the bathtub completely in the midst of an emotional break down. Nothing at the moment felt like I was never going to feel complete again. At the moment i find myself sitting in a ball that brought back memories of the first night at the Adams-Foster's house.

"Callie?" I hear someone say my name, and the voice dragged me out of my head. Before i could answer the bathroom door opened, and Brandon opened the curtain to find me. Brandon doesn't even ask me what is bothering me; because he knew instantly. Brandon knew me better then i knew myself, and at this moment i was glad. He reaches over to turn off the water, and he stood up to grab me a towel. "Here you go." He says to me while helping me stand up. "I don't think i can go to this dinner with you tonight." I mumble while looking at the floor. "It's okay. I already to called her, and rescheduled for tomorrow." He explained to me. "Callie i am not leaving you alone until we talk. I like to think i know you so please talk to me." Brandon pleads. I step out of the bathtub, and stand in front of him wrapped in an towel. "I am not dealing with this the right way. I am feeling so empty, and broken all at the same time." I say looking him right in the eyes. "I wouldn't expect you handle this like a champ baby. You are the strongest woman i know, and sometimes the universe throws the strongest people difficult, and painful shit. But you are not in this by yourself Callie; you have me, and like or not you are stuck with me. Forever." He says to me. 

The word forever use to scare the fuck out of me; as i never knew where my life was going to go. But at that very second i knew we were going to get through this. "Are you going to hug me now?" I ask him causing Brandon to smirk. He pulls me into a hug, and instantly i felt less empty. 

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