Forgiveness or no?

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Callie's POV: 

After to pulling over several time to keep my emotions in check or i'd end up in an accident I arrive home. I cannot believe that everything i've been through this past year has been based on lies. The only thing good that has happened was Jude finding his forever home, and being able to finally be the person i have been in love with for so long. Yes Stef, and Lena showed me what a real family is supposed to be like. But now I am not even interested in being around them ever again. After driving home I pull into my driveway, and see Jill's car parked in my usual spot. Getting out of my car my phone rings, and i immediately answer. "Hey babe," I say walking to my front door. "Hey so Mariana, and I are coming to your house for a couple days. Hopefully Robert doesn't mind adding another kid to his home." He says to me. "Considering you already live here, and my dad loves Mari so he won't mind." I say to him walking into the house, and that is when i feel a negative energy. "Brandon I need to call you back." I say then hang up on him. "Callie is that you?" I hear my dad say from the living room. "Yes it is me." I say back as i walk into the living room to see my dad, and Jill. "Hi Jill." I greet her. "Hey Callie." She says to me with a smile. 

"So Callie; Jill, and I are talking about Sophia moving in permanently." My dad says to me. "Oh wow! What brought this up? I mean i am super happy to have her here, but it seems random." I say hoping not to insult them. "My company is sending me to Arizona so instead of uprooting Sophia's life; Sophia wants to move back in here." She says. "Great!" I say to them with a genuine smile. As soon as i was about to say something I heard Brandon's car pull into the driveway. "Ah shit. I forgot to tell you dad that Mariana is going to stay here for a few days. She can sleep in my room with me as she'd probably want to anyways." I explain to him. "Fine sure. Maybe i should start sending Stef, and Lena a bill for taking her children in." He says to me. "Dad you love both Brandon, and Mariana. The feelings are mutual for them as well." I say to him. "I know that Callie. By the way; you need to tell me what happened over at the house alright," He says to me. "Yes dad."  I say to him as the front door opens. "Hey guys. My dad, and Jill are in the middle of a conversation so we are going upstairs." I say, and drag them both out of the living room. 

"What is happening?" Brandon asked me as the three of us walk into my room. "Jill is moving to Arizona so Sophia is moving back into this house. So Mariana we are once again roommates." I say to them. "Well the bed is big enough for the both of us." She says with a wide grin. "If you kick me one time I will make you sleep on the floor." I say sitting on the bed next to Brandon. We sit in silence not wanting to talk about what happened earlier, but looking over at Mariana i could tell she had been crying on the way over here. "Callie can we redecorate this room?" Mariana asked me. "No because i love this room the way it is." I say to shaking my head. Mariana mumbles something I didn't quite catch, and i roll my eyes. 

"Callie!" I hear someone yell my name from downstairs. i stand up from my bed, and walk towards the door to open it. I walk down the stairs, and find my dad standing by the front door. "Dad what is going on?" I ask him not knowing what to do. "Stef just pulled up." He says looking at me. "I cannot deal with this right now." I say to him, and start to walk towards the stairs. "Callie you can't run from this." He says to me. "Fine." I grumble at him. "Hello Robert." Stef says as she walks up to the our front door. "Stef please come in." My dad greets her. "Oh hello Callie." She says to me. Instead of answering her i muster up a ridiculous nod. "We should have this conversation in the living room." My dad says gesturing us to go into the living room. "If we are going to get into this i am going to go, and get Brandon, and Mari. I'll be right back." I say running up the stairs. "Okay you two get up, and comedown stairs!" I say to them. "Why?" Mariana asks me. "Because Stef is here, and i need you both." I say trying to get stop myself from freaking out. Brandon, and Mariana look at each other;then at me. Without saying a word they both stand up, and we start walking downstairs. 

"Mom what are doing here?" Mariana says. "Well Mariana i came here to talk to each of you." Stef says. "Well i don't want to hear what you have to say to me so if you'll excuse me." Mariana says, and leaves the room. Brandon lets out a sigh telling me he wanted to leave without saying a word. "Callie you never let me explain to you why i did what i did." Stef says looking straight at me. "Well i mean i don't think you have anything else to say to me. Plus to be honest i doubt i'd believe a word you say to me ever again." I say to her. "Fair enough. I guess i'll just leave then, but i want the three of you to know something. What i did was awful, and i feel awful about it. Callie i did what i did because i love you so much, and i never meant to hurt you. Robert i will forever feel awful, and hurt that i tore your family apart." Stef says walking out of the living room. "Thank you for apologizing to us Stef, but i think you chose the wrong time." My dad says to Stef when he walks her to the door. "Yes well that is your opinion on the situation. I'll be back in a few days to grab my kids." She says to my dad. 

"Stef!" I yell to her while following her outside to the drive way. "What you did was wrong, and it has made me question everything. I will never forgive you, and if you think coming here while these wounds are still fresh would make things right was a shit move on your part." I say to her crossing my arms. "Well Callie that is your opinion so we'll just leave it at that." She says all smug. "I don't even know why i bother talking to you. I'll tell Mariana, and Brandon to call you in a few days!" I say walking back towards the front door. Something was telling me to not go back inside just yet. I needed a minute to myself, and come to terms with has happened today. So i sit down on the door step, and put my head in hands to allow my emotions free. Today has been the longest day in the history of days, and it is only 6PM. 

"Callie?" I hear someone say to me causing me lift my head up. "Hey Sophia." I say to her wiping away the tears the were falling from my eyes. "Hey are you okay? Want me to get dad or Brandon?" She asks me. "No please don't. It's been a long day, and i am on the verge of flipping out so i need to be alone." I say pulling my knees into my chest. "Okay well i am not leaving you alone so I am going to sit next to you for as long as it takes." She says to me. "Dad, Brandon, and Mariana are probably worried so i might as well just go inside." I say to her looking at my knees. "How about i tell them we are having a moment outside, and we'll be inside soon?" She asks me while placing her hand on my knee. "Sounds perfect." I say to her. Sophia stands up, and opens the door to tell everyone i was okay. Deep down inside i knew i wasn't fine, and nothing in my life will ever be fine. 

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