Million Reasons

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Callie's POV:

The whole car ride to school was a huge flashback to the accident, and i basically had my eyes closed trying to keep my emotions in check. "Callie baby.. Hey are you okay?" Brandon asked me. I look over at him, and nod. "Of course i am okay." i say to him, and show him a small smile. "Callie. I love you, but i know when you are lying to me. So let's try to this again shall we.. how are you doing?" He asks me. I let out a sigh, and turn my body towards him. "I am freaking the fuck out as i am scared to ride in a moving vehicle. I am terrified that i won't graduate as believe it or not I haven't started my senior project yet." I say quickly to him. My breathing started to faster, and my heart rate escalated. That moment i knew i was having a full blown panic attack causing Brandon to pull into a gas station parking lot. "Callie baby calm down. Here breathe into this paper bag okay." Brandon says calmly to me. I do as he said, and instantly feel myself calm down. "Thank you." I whisper taking a sip of water from the bottle i found in my bag.

"Not a problem my love. Listen we don't have to go to school we can ditch, and go to Mexico again. At least this time we have passports, and that is about it." Brandon says causing me to laugh. "As much as i love you, and that idea we need to go to school. I need to get my shit together if i want to graduate." I say taking his hand. Brandon nods his head, and starts the car again. My phone goes off, and i instantly roll my eyes. "Oh goody Mariana texted me, and wants to know if i am going to make an appearance." I grumble turning my phone off. "Well it's nice to be thought about baby." Brandon says causing me to roll my eyes again.

We pull into the parking lot at Anchor Beach, and I instantly feel sick. I get hit with a déjà vu to my first day here; like I was the new student all over again. "Is it too late to go to Mexico?" I ask Brandon while walking into the school. "It was a limited time offer only. You missed your chance, but one day we'll go again." He say to me with a smirk on his face. "Callie!" I hear someone say causing me to stop dead in my tracks. "So happy to see you back in school! We need to get you started on your senior project; so can you meet me during your free period?" Monte asked me. "Absolutely." I say with a fake smile on my face. "See you then. Nice seeing you Brandon." Monte says walking in the direction of the office.

"Great." I mumble walking over to my locker. "It's going to be fine love. Just come up with something." Brandon says to me. I nod in agreement, and close my locker. Brandon takes my hand, and we walk towards our first class which was chemistry.

Today started out like shit, and I really wish I took Brandon up on his Mexico offer.

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