The Zone

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Brandon's POV:

It was like I was looking at a ghost; only this time i knew it was real. I just stand there looking at her, not knowing how to deal with this sudden arrival of my dads ex girlfriend, and the bitch who took advantage of me while i was at my lowest point. "Hello Brandon." Dani says to me breaking me out of the fog i was in. Just hearing her voice made my skin crawl, and also made me want to throw up. "Are you going to invite me in?" She asks me. "My dads not here, and I was just leaving." I tell her walking out of the apartment. I immediately run to my car, and get inside. I never thought I'd ever see her face again, I thought by the time she got out; I'd be in college. Grabbing my phone I dial my dads number to see if he knew about Dani. His voicemail picked up so I left a message; "Hey dad it's me. Listen I stopped by your house, and when i was leaving Dani showed up. So i wanted to know if you knew she was out of jail. Call me back bye." I tell him, and hang up the phone. I just sit in the parking lot trying to calm down enough to drive back to Callie's.

My phones buzzes so i grab it to see who it was; it was my dad. This phone call should be a blast.. "Hey dad." I say in a small voice. "Hey B. So I found out this morning that Dani was being released. That's why i had AJ text you because i knew you wouldn't answer for me." My dad explains with clear sadness in his voice. I can feel the emotions rising, and i had to hold it together. "So why did she get out early?" I ask, "I don't know bud. Did you talk to her?" My dad asks me. "She said hi to me, but i blew her off." I tell him. "Look B, I have to go back to work. Where are you staying?" He asks me. "I am staying at Callie's until mom calms down." I say to him. My dad let's out a sigh, and i can tell he was trying to find the right words to say next. "Yeah okay as long as you are safe. I talked to your mom, and she's still pissed so that'll be awhile." My dad says. "Look dad, i have a long drive ahead of me; and you have to go back to work. I'll move back into your house tomorrow if that's okay with you." I say to him starting my car. "Sounds good B. I'm sorry for what happened last night." My dad says. "Yeah I'm sorry too. I love you Dad." I say to him. "Love you too B. See you tomorrow." My dad says then hangs up.

Pulling out the drive way i begin my long drive back to Callie's. At this very moment i knew i had to tell Callie about Dani; she's the one person who would understand what I was feeling. Yeah what Dani, and I did was consensual; but it wasn't legal. I never thought I'd ever have to tell her about this, I was always afraid she'd look at me disgusted. 30 minutes pass by quickly, and i am already at the gate where I put in the pass code that I memorized, and begin the rest of the commute to Callie's. Pulling into the Quinn's driveway I don't see Robert's car so that's a sign that I still had time to tell Callie. I shut the car off, and grab my phone to text Callie to tell her that I am here.

Brandon: Hey babe I'm outside.

I hit send, and await her response hoping she's not asleep.

Callie: That was a quick visit. I'll be down in 2 minutes.

Letting out a big sigh i grab my laptop, and Callie's guitar from the passenger seat. I see the front door of the house open which causes a smile to creep onto my face. Just the thought of seeing her again brings me such comfort. "Hey B, want some help there?" She says to me with a smirk on her face. "You can take your guitar if you'd like." I suggest to her. "Of course. Oh how i've missed this guitar, oh and of course you." Callie says with a cute look on her face. "Yeah right, because you said that so convincingly." I tease her which causes Callie to laugh. "Shall we go inside? My dad called 10 minutes ago saying he was on his way home." Callie says to me walking towards the door. I just nod, and follow her inside. "So Miss Jacob; how was your day?" I ask her. Callie sets her guitar down, and walks towards the kitchen. "Well lets see, I laid in bed watching Friends, ate ice cream, and that's about it. How about you? Did you talk to your dad?" Callie tells me handing me a glass of water. "Well by the time i got to his house he was at work. So i just grabbed my computer, and your guitar." I say to her.

Callie just looks at me, and i can she see knows something is off. "Are you okay? You seem kind of out of it?" She asks me. "Look i need to tell you something. Something that I did awhile ago that I regretted immediately." I tell her while looking at the beautiful girl standing in front of me right in the eyes. "Okay B, you are freaking me out. What did you do?" Callie asks me. I let out a giant sigh, trying to find the right words to start this conversation. "This happened after you came to my dads house, and told me you were over me. I got drunk and Dani stopped by to grab her stuff, and she helped me to bed. I had my audition for the junior symphony the next morning; I kissed her, and we ended up sleeping together." I tell her feeling nothing but disgust. Callie just stands there in front of me with sadness all over her face. "That bitch! She took advantage of you when you were drunk! Brandon this isn't your fault, it's hers." Callie tells me while pulling me into a hug. "Why are you telling me this?" She asks me. "Well i told my parents; and we decided to press charges on her for statutory rape, and she was thrown in jail. I thought she'd be in jail for awhile, but when i was leaving my dads i opened the door, and there she was standing in front of me. Everything came rushing back, and I instantly felt guilt, and sick." I tell her.

"Wait? She's back in town? WHAT THE HELL!!! Does your dad know?" Callie says pulling away from me. "Yes babe she's back in town. The reason why my dad had AJ text me was to tell me that Dani was out of jail. I don't know what to do, when my mom finds out she's probably going to flip out." I say, "Stef is probably going to kill her when she finds out. Are you going to tell her?" Callie ask me in a small voice. We just stand in the kitchen, holding each other; when we hear the front door open. "Hey kids." Robert says walking into the kitchen. Callie pulls away to make this a little less awkward, but she still took my hand. "Hey dad. How was work?" She asks him. "It was okay. I talked to your sister today. She is coming to stay to here for the weekend." Robert says with clear happiness in his voice. "That's awesome." Callie says. "I'm going to start the grill, and start dinner." He tells us, and walks outside.

"If you aren't up for dinner B i can come up with some excuse." Callie says to me. "I'm fine." I say. Callie let's out a small laugh, and looks me in the eyes. "That's my line." She says to me with a cute smirk on her face. "Well you aren't the only one who can use it." I say to her with a laugh. "Jude said that to me once. Speaking of Jude; Mariana convinced me to drive to his camp tomorrow, and tell him about the non-adoption." Callie says to me. "That's a great idea babe. Want me to come with you?" I ask her. "Well i thought of that. Then i realized he'll probably be super angry, and I don't want him to yell at you so i'll go alone." She explains.

"Hey Cal. Can you bring the plates, and utensils outside? Dinner is almost ready." Robert says to us. "Yeah sure dad, we'll be outside in a minute." Callie says. "Oh, there's a Caesar salad in the fridge B, can you carry that outside?" Callie asks me. I simply nod, and do as she says.

I push all of my emotions that happened today down, and walk outside to get to have dinner with my girlfriend, and her father; I wasn't going to let anything ruin this night.

A.N: I had the night off so i decided to write this update, it is probably the longest one yet.

Song at the beginning is called: The Zone by The Weeknd & Drake.

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