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Callie's POV: 

My entire body hurt like a bitch, and at this point i wish i didn't wake up. My head was a constant pounding sound, my ribs are sore, and well my leg is fucked. I hate hospitals so right now i wanted to pull out all these wire out of my arm, and go home. But of course my dad, and Brandon have put me on lock down by switching shifts keeping an eye on me.  It's been 6 days since the accident, and Mariana was discharged the day after the accident. Deep down i blame myself for the accident, and Mariana almost dying. Stef, and Lena of course don't blame me for the accident; they keep saying it was a mistake, and to let it go. But i am an over thinker so of course i will not let it go until they find the person who crashed into my car, and nearly killed Mariana, and myself. 

"Good morning Callie." My dad says to me when he walks into my room. "Morning Dad." I say with a small smile. "So i have some good news for you. Today is the day you have been waiting for. I spoke with your doctors, and they have decided to discharge you today." My dad says to me. I was totally speechless, and beyond happy. I've been stuck in this hospital for a week, and have only been able to leave my room for physo therapy. "Are you serious? Thank you universe!" I say hugging my dad. "I knew this would perk you up. Now the only downside is you are going to be stuck sleeping in the den as you aren't going to be able to walk up the stairs to your room for awhile." He says to me. "That's fine. I mean it'll only be for a week or so right?" I ask him. "Yes for sure. I hired you a nurse to help you bathe, and such. And i am only planning to work out of the house so i can look after you myself." My dad says. "Dad that is not necessary trust me. I'll most likely be sleeping, or watching a ridiculous amount of netflix." I tell him. "Don't fight me on this Callie; you won't win." He says to me. I let out a small chuckle, and enjoy the moment that i was finally going to be released from the hospital. 

"Good morning Callie! So did your dad tell you the good news?" Dr. Sanders says walking into my room. "Yes he did." I say with a grin on my face. "Well i went over your chart, and i have officially signed your discharge papers. You are going to have to show up for phsyo twice a week, and take your pain pills twice a day. But other then that i don't see any problems, or concerns." He says to me. "Thank you so much for taking such good care of my daughter." My dad says shaking Dr. Sanders hand. "Absolutely." He says. "A nurse will be in a few minutes to escort you out of the hospital. See you in a about a week for a follow up." Dr. Sanders says while he leaves my room. "Sophia packed you some clothes for the ride home. I'll be out in the hall so you can get ready." My dad says leaving the room. 

Sophia packed me sweats, and a tank top which i am going to thank her for when i get home. It felt nice to wear proper clothes after wearing the awful gown for so long. "Well don't you look human. Someone must be excited to be getting out of here today." Aimee my favorite nurse says to me. "You have no idea how excited i am to get out of here. Although i am going to miss you." I say to her. "Well your chariot awaits Miss. Jacob." Aimee says pointing to the wheelchair. "Is this necessary?" I ask her. "It's hospital policy so just sit down." She says. Aimee helps me into the wheelchair, and then we begin our way to the first floor. "Where's my dad?" I ask her in the elevator. "Your dad is picking up your prescriptions at the pharmacy. He'll meet us at the entrance." She says. I just nod as i could the fresh air, and feel the sunshine on my skin already. 

Once we get out the elevator i knew i only moments away from getting into my dads car, and leaving this hospital. "Well Callie here we are! You are officially free, and no longer a patient at this hospital." Aimee says to me. My dad, and Aimee help me out of the chair, and before i could get into my dads car; i knew i had to hug Aimee. "Thank you for being incredible, and patient with my stubborn ass over the past week." I say to her hugging her. "It's my job Callie, but thank you." She says. My dad laughs softly behind me. They both help me into the back seat of the car, and close the door. I grab my phone off the center console, and text Brandon that i was coming home. 

Callie: Baby i am free! I am on route home so i'll see you after school. 

I hit send, and close my eyes. "Callie do you want food?" My dad asks me as we begin the drive back to our house. "I mean i could go for Taco Bell or Chipotle to be honest." I say to him. "Sounds good. I know what you like so i'll run in, and grab you your food once i see the closet one okay." I says to me. "Sounds good. Thank you dad." I say as my phone beeps notifying i have a text. 

Brandon: Bless up! Cannot wait to see you in a few hours! I love you. 

I smile, and i can feel my heart swell. I've missed Brandon so much over the past few days; he's only been able to visit me for a hour a day as he's not family. 

Today will go down as one of the best days i've had in the past month; i got discharged from the hospital, and i get to hug my love again. 

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