Let It Go.

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Callie's POV:

Walking into my new room i see i giant bed, and everything was light purple. Robert wasn't kidding when he said he had this room set up for me. I set my bag onto my bed, and began to unpack; not that i had a lot of belongings to begin with. I walk towards the dresser to put my clothes away my facetime ringtone goes off. I grab my phone and accept the call, it's from Brandon obviously.

"Hey B what is going on?" I say to him. "Hey babe. Nothing just sitting in my car outside of my dads house." He replies. Brandon looked so sad, and defeated. "I wish i was with you right now. You look like you could go for a major hug." I say. That causes him to laugh which makes me smile. "Even on a small screen you still look gorgeous." He says to me. "You are so cheesy, but thanks." I say to him. Then i hear my bedroom door open. "Hey Callie i ordered us some dinner." My dad says to me. "Okay great thanks dad. I am starving." I reply to him. "Okay, i'll be in the kitchen." My dad says as he walks away from the door. "I don't want to say good bye, but i should go and eat. And my love you should go inside, and talk to your dad." I tell Brandon. "Yeah okay. Do you think your dad will let me come, and see you tomorrow? Because i kind of miss you." Brandon says to me; i instantly smile. "I can ask. We haven't actually talked about this whole thing yet. But i don't see why not. I'll text you later." I say and end the call.

Walking downstairs to the kitchen i instantly smell Chinese food, and pizza. My mouth begins to water, and my stomach grumbles. "Hope you are hungry. I ordered enough food to feed a small army." My dad says with a chuckle. "Well believe it or not i am beyond starving." I reply back to him. We sit in awkward silence passing around the food clearly avoiding the giant elephant in the room. "So i guess now is a good time to discuss what happened today." My dad tells me. I set my fork down on my plate, and nod. "Mariana only told me that you changed your mind because you weren't happy anymore." My dad explains. I take in a deep sigh trying to find the right words to begin this deep conversation. "Well Mariana was partially right, but also way off as well." I say to him. "Well Callie, tell me about your relationship with Brandon. I know that he is the reason why you changed your mind." My dad says to me.

"What do you want to know?" I ask trying to stall this conversation. My dad sighs, and shakes his head. "Tell me about when you knew you loved him? And if you deny that you love him i might have to ground you." My dad says which causes me to laugh. "Okay. I fell in love with Brandon the day after we met. He came with me to save Jude from our abusive foster father." I explain to him. This is the first time i've told anybody about my feelings. "I know that sounds soon, but as we were sitting on this bus going to save my brother i couldn't help but look over at him, and think to myself how can this guy who barely knows me drop his plans to come with me. We almost got killed that night if it wasn't Stef, and Mike." I say. My dad just stares at me taking in what i just said.

"You know Callie, i knew you two had something when i saw the way you were looking at him at the fundraiser. You had the same look for Brandon as i did for your mom." My dad says to me which causes me to smile. "Do you think if your parents didn't interfere with your relationship with my mom that you two be together?" I ask in a small voice. I have always wanted to know the answer to this question. "Of course. The love i still have for mom is unbreakable; and i wish she was still around to watch you grow into this beautiful, and strong woman that you are now." My dad says with such strong emotion on his face. I reach my hand over, and place his hand into mine. "So are you okay with my relationship with Brandon?" I cautiously ask him. My dad lets out a soft chuckle, and i can see him thinking about the right words to say.

Robert clears his throat, which breaks me out of my thoughts. "Of course i am fine with your guys relationship. I am not blind Callie, i know that he is insanely in love with you. He has the same look for you that you do for him." My dad says which causes me to smile widely. "It feels weird actually having somebody see that this isn't just some high school crush. Brandon once told me that 'What we feel only happens once in a lifetime', and i believe that," I say. My dad just nods, and grabs a piece of pizza.

"So does that mean he can come over tomorrow?" I ask. "Of course. But i want to get to know him better. I only know what you, and Sophia have told me. And by the way she speaks very highly of him which is something." My dad tells me. That causes me to laugh because Sophia was the first person who knew that i wasn't over Brandon all those months ago. "That seems fair, like really fair." I say with clear happiness in my voice. "Well you should call him up, and invite him over tomorrow. We'll have a BBQ, and bonding time." My dad says to me. "Sounds good to me. Is it okay if i go to bed? I know it's like 7 but today has been emotionally draining." I say. "Callie. You are 17 you don't have to ask permission to go to bed." He says chuckling. "Right, Well good night dad; i love you." I say as i get up off the chair and walk up the stairs.

I walk into my room, and grab my phone off my nightstand to text Brandon.

Callie: So my dad told me that you are allowed to come over tomorrow! He wants to have a BBQ, and bonding time with you!

I hit send and walk over to my dresser, and grab some PJs to get changed for bed. My phone vibrates, and i see that i have a text from Brandon.

Brandon: That sounds like fun! So does that mean you two had a good conversation?

Callie: We did actually. It feels so weird having somebody understand what we feel for each other.

Brandon: That is so weird, and mildly comforting at the same time.

That made me laugh, because he is the cutest.

Callie: Look babe i would love to continue this conversation, but i need to sleep. But call me tomorrow morning! Cannot wait to see you... Even though it has been a few hours.

Brandon: Can't wait to see you either.

Moment's like this confirmed that i made the smartest decision i am ever going to make.

A/N: Here is another update. The song at the beginning is called "Let it go" by James Bay. Check it out as it is basically Brallie, and i am not fine lol.

Follow me on social media: LackCityBitchhh is my twitter, tumblr & Instagram. I am going to try and update again on Monday! (:

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