White Noise

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Authors Note: Hey guys! Thank you for being patient as i suck at updating! Get ready for some Mariana goodness in this chapter. The song is "White Noise" by PVRIS. 

Callies POV: 

Pain. Pain is all i feel right now. I find myself sitting against the outside wall of the garage falling apart. I felt my heart breaking every single second; i cannot believe I've not only broken my own heart, but also the love of my life's. Again. Jude was right; i am selfish. Probably the most selfish person ever. I have the most amazing guy to walk this planet, who is head over heels in love with me. Whom i trust with every fibre of my being fighting for me, and i just break his heart all over again. That seems to be what i am good at... Breaking Brandon Foster's heart. 

"Callie? What is wrong?" Mariana asks me. Great of course somebody notices me. "Mariana I am fine. Just leave me alone." I say. Mariana sits down next to me. "Nice try Callie. It's clear to me that you were crying so spill." She says while staring at me. I hate that Mari knows me so well to be honest. "I am just having a harder time with the adoption that is all." I say while it wasn't the complete truth it was partially true. "It's about Brandon isn't it? And Callie i swear if you deny it i will slap you. I know you two hooked up at Idyllwild & I know you love him so suck it up, and go get him." Mariana says. 

"Are you kidding me Mari? Of course this is about Brandon. The love i have for him is explainable, and the fact that 20 minutes ago I broke his heart once again is killing me. It's making me want to call up Robert and ask him to let me move in with him. But i couldn't hurt Stef, Lena, & Jude by choosing Brandon over them." I explain while crying. I hated crying. All of a sudden Mariana stood up and walked into the garage. What the fuck is she doing? 

"Mariana! What are you doing?" I ask. A minute later she walks out of the garage with Brandon by her side. "You guy are both total idiots  its really sad. Callie you are the most selfish, and selfless person i have ever met. You are going through with this adoption for moms, and Jude! For once in your life do something for yourself! And Brandon; I may not have understood your feelings for Callie in the beginning, but seeing how hurt you are i get it now. I am so sorry for telling you are just like Liam. I was so out of line, you arent like him. You actually love Callie. I would've loved having Callie as my legal sister but i am willing to settle for her as my sister-in-law if that means you two can be happy." Mariana says. I cannot believe she said that as she was the biggest cheerleader for me to be adopted. 

" Callie, to make things easier i already called Robert, and told him everything." Mariana says with a smirk on her face. "That's great Mariana. Thanks." I say while looking at the ground. If i didn't love her i wouldve slapped her. "Mariana, can i please have a minute alone with Callie?" Brandon asks her with is eyes on me. "Sure." She says with a smile on her face as she walks away. 

"I hate it when shes right." I grumble. "Same here. I am still trying to figure how she finds things out." Brandon says. That made me laugh a little. It's moments like this that i could cherish for the rest of my life. Easy, and drama free. I turn and face Brandon, and look into his eyes. All i can see in his beautiful eyes is love, and at that very second i knew i could never be his sister, and i could never pretend that we never happened. 

"I have exactly one hour until i face the judge. And in one hour i will tell the judge that I love you, and i will break moms, and Jude's heart. But Mariana was right; I always put my feelings on the back burner for everybody else. I can't pretend we never happened Brandon. What we feel only happens once in a life time. So for once i want to fight for us." I explain. 

Brandon looked at me without saying a word so I continue. "I've been in love with you ever sense you skipped that music showcase to help me rescue Jude from our old foster father. You risked your life for me, and that was all it took. I don't deserve your love after everything I've put you through, but you always seem to put me first." I say in one breath. Brandon cleared his throat, and put his hands on my face. "Callie Quinn Jacob you are so frustrating but I love you." He says with the cutest smirk on his face that made me smile. 

"Well i guess i should go, and call Robert and let him to know to meet us at the courthouse. He's getting his wish; I am going to live with him. But this time it's on my terms, not his or the judges." I say as i place a small kiss on Brandon's lips, and walk towards the house. 

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