I feel it coming

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Brandon's POV:

As soon as i saw Callie sitting on the bench looking defeated, and broken i knew she was going to talk herself out of spending our lives together. Callie is the best thing to ever happen to me, and i wasn't going to let her stubbornness take her away from me. Now i find myself on my way to Mexico to get married; because all great, life changing moments happen at the spur of the moment, and involve Mexico. But i knew that this was the right thing to do as we both love each other, and it was going to happen anyways. We'll deal with the repercussions of our actions after we are already married. "Are we idiots?" Callie asked me as we were close to the boarder. "Absolutely." I respond causing Callie to laugh. "I guess we found each other." She says. "Yeah, i guess we did." I say to her while glancing at her beautiful face. "In just a few short hours we will be in Mexico, and officially married. I always knew you would be the one to make me a Foster." Callie says causing me to smile. "Did you now?" I ask her. "Sure did. It was fate who brought us together Brandon. It was fate that convinced me to do something for myself instead of what your moms wanted. I am finally happy for the first time in my life, and it is all because of you." Callie says to me. "I mean i can say the same thing to you too Callie. I was going through the motions, but i never knew what true love was until you came into my life. Despite all the heartbreak, and pain we caused each other i knew we would end up together." I say to her causing Callie to show me a small smile.

"When you say we caused each other pain; you mean all the pain i caused you. Brandon i will never forgive myself for all the pain i caused you." Callie says to trying not to show me about to start crying. I decide to pull into a gas station about 5 miles away from the boarder to calm Callie down. "Callie baby look at me." I say to her. Callie faces me, and i could see her heart break in her eyes. "Callie i never should have said anything about that okay. It wasn't all your fault; it caused my own problems. Like selling fake IDs, and getting my hand crushed in the car door. I've also done other dumb shit that you don't need to know about. We both have baggage baby we just need to learn where to drop it." I explain to her. "Okay." She whispers to me. "Before we head out on the road we need food as i am starving. I don't want to be hungry when we get married." Callie says opening the door. "You want gas station food?' I ask Callie following her. "It's not like i am going to buy sushi Brandon." Callie says rolling her eyes at me. "Well only idiots eat gas station sushi. What exactly do you want?" I ask Callie. Callie grabs two bags of chips, two sodas, and a bag of mini donuts. "Should we get gas too?" She asked me. "Mine as well." I grumble grabbing my wallet. "This assortment of goodies, and 40$ in gas please." I say to the cashier.

After putting gas in the car; i get into the car where Callie was inhaling her bag of chips. "Don't mock me." Callie says looking at me. "I wasn't going to say anything." I say to her turning the car on. "Next stop is Mexico!" Callie says with nothing but excitement. I grab her hand, and we drive to the boarder. As soon as we arrived at the boarder i could feel Callie tense up, and i started to feel nervous. "Baby. Are you feeling okay?" I ask her as we stop behind the car in front of us. Callie looks over at me, and gives a small smile. "Of course i am okay. I am running away to Mexico to get married to you. I am scared we'll get arrested this time, but it's okay." She says. "Everything will be okay Cal. We have each other, and that is all that matters." I say to her. Callie gives a nod, and she leans in to kiss me before the car behind us honked. "Talk about ruining a moment," I grumble causing Callie to laugh.

We begin driving to the toll booth, and after we are waved through we enter Mexico. At this moment we didn't care that we are both going to be in trouble with our parents. Let's face it; when have Callie, and I ever followed the rules? We never have, and hell we never will. At this moment we are starting our lives together.

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