Chapter Two: The New Kids

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Second second chaptah, dolla dolla bill y’all. Enjoy.

It’d been two weeks since the school found out who was going and who wasn’t. Some were happy, some weren’t, but for the most part, everyone was content. Either way, we’d get new people and this school sure loves new kids. I think it’s because we see it as recruiting. The populars instantly hang with the new person for their first day, evaluating their worthiness, and if they pass the test, they eventually descend into the crowd of the untouchables. If they’re unlucky however, they end up like Beth. She was new to the school in sophmore year, and I had no friends really, except Zoey who I could hardly consider a friend.

            When I first saw Beth, I felt bad for her. She seemed unhappy with the populars, and the same went for them. So the next day when I found her sitting alone in the cafeteria, to say I was shocked would be an overstatement. I mean, sure she was pretty and totally popular material, but even on her first day here, something inside of me told me that she wouldn’t be in that social group for long. Whether it’d be the populars’ decision or hers, I knew she’d be soon gone from them.

            I also remember our first conversation.

            “Hey, I’m Roseanne Clarkson, but I prefer to be called Rose.” I greeted her. She looked up at me and that was when I got a good look at her big green eyes.

            “Hey, I’m Beth Davies. New, as you can probably tell.” She beamed up at me. I immediately smiled back as I felt the connection between us. I remember that on that day, I somehow knew we were going to be friends, maybe even best friends. And now, we are.

            But right now, that’s not the point. The point is that the school was tremendously frenzied. And usually I wouldn’t mind, but now that every conversation in the school consisted of girls and guys asking about new hotties, I couldn’t help but now want to slap anyone that mentioned the words ‘British hottie’ again.

            The clock was ticking and everyone’s attention in their last core class was looking at it. As the seconds passed by, I could sense the intensity in the air. The clock currently read 2:44. One minute before advisory, the time when the entire school would head to our gym and settle down so we could see the new kids/recruits. With only thirty seconds to go, I thought about why everyone was so anxious anyway. The new people were only going to be here for the year, hardly enough time for our school’s social grouping to make them a regular.

            Today, I forgot to mention, was also the day my father would be leaving with the group of students, leaving my mother to be principal while he is to be away. It’s as terrible as it sounds. Not only does this mean that my mother will get to see me at school, but this means as well I have to try harder in it than I already do. You see, my mother has high expectations like my father, but the thing is that my father doesn’t really act on it; he’s just disappointed if I don’t do my best. My mother on the other hand, will see to it that I improve greatly in whatever I have done that wasn’t my best work.

            DING. The students pushed themselves out of their chairs, pushing past me with such speed that I honestly had no idea I was still sitting down until Beth got out of her seat just as fast and told me to hurry up as she left the room.

            Walking to the gym was mission extremely possible. Every space of the hallway that barely used to be visible was now covering the entire thing. As I walked the vacant hallway and head towards the gym, I contemplated if I should just turn and head back to the classroom. No one would care or for that matter even notice. But something told me I should just go to the gym, so I did, and boy did that decision change my life forever.

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