Chapter Three: Tour with the Brits

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So…here’s Chapter Three.

“Oh, here she is. The one who had kindly agreed to give us a tour at last minute and take time out of her schedule.” Ms. Morris spoke up from the back of the students as she moved to the front and gestured towards me. “She’s also the principal’s daughter, so I expect you to teach her with respect.”

“Ai, she’s fucking fit.” I heard a boy from the group say. I flushed furiously and bent my head down.

“Language! As I said, respect.” Ms. Morris yelled as she reminded the boy. I didn’t even bother to look up and show my cherry face. I nodded as if to begin the tour. I walked out of the gym doors and into the cafeteria as the group followed me.

“Well, here’s our cafeteria,” I said as gestured at the entire lunchroom, “You can either eat here, at your hotel you’re staying at, or really anywhere since we are an open campus.” I pointed at the trays that were by the forks, spoons, and napkins. I let the students look around before I walked forward towards the secretaries’ office. I passed it to get to the senior hallway.

“This is the senior hallway,” I paused and continued to walk as I got closer to a room, “This is Mr. Ritz’s classroom, he’s the chemistry teacher.” I pointed at the next door. “Mrs. Louitzie’s classroom, she’s the computers teacher.”

This went on as I explained the teachers and their classrooms. Then something happened in the middle of our tour.

“So this is our band/ choir room. If you want to play or sing anything this year, just talk to our music teacher here, Ms. Wilson. She really understands, even if you don’t have any talent she’ll be able to put you somewhere.” I said as I looked to the door out, a signal I was done in this room. I saw Jonah was waiting by the door, and he smirked again at me. I couldn’t help but smile back. As we exited the room, I got a surprise.

The air in my lungs got knocked out of me as I gasped and tumbled over someone’s foot. As I landed on my butt, I groaned.

“Ow…” I set both of my palms on the ground to support myself up. I moved one hand to rub my lower back. I looked ahead on the floor in front of me to see a pair of red strapped heels, of course.

            “Aw, must’ve been one of the stands.” Grace faked a frown before grinning out of the corner of her mouth as she turned around and grabbed Jonah’s hand and both walked out of the room.        

            Suddenly as I was about to push myself up, I hand appeared in my sight. I looked up to see Cameron half-smiling at me out of pity, his blue eyes looked into mine.

            “Uh, thanks.” I said as I grabbed his warm hand and hoisted myself up.

            “No problem.” He smiled and I smiled back. Emilia walked into the room and that’s when I noticed we were the only ones there.

            “Ms. Morris wants us.” Emilia reminded Cameron and then turned to me to beam at me. She grabbed a hold of Cameron’s hand as they walked out. I looked away, a little disappointed. Of course he had a girlfriend.

            The rest of the tour finally was ending, and I was growing anxious to finish this up. I saved the junior hallway for last because they were all in our grade, so I might as well keep the only useful thing for last. I walked past the cafeteria from the corner of it to step into our hallway. I immediately started talking

            “Mr. Piers, our French teacher, has this room.” I said quickly as I motioned at it and kept walking backwards. His was in the very front of the hallway.

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