Chapter Fifteen: A Different Side

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Alright, this chapter is going to be all about Danny and everything Rose and him did together. Kylie will also be in it along with Cameron. Of course Jonah is going to be throughout it all. It might be a bit boring for you but I just needed to lay out the info, next chapter will be more action filled.

“It all started on the summer after freshman year. Danny and I were supposed to be going out on a date and he said it was going to be special.” I took a deep breath, if I was going to get through this I was going to need to be able to breathe first. I looked back to Jonah, was listening and serious, I think he really cared. “So of course I was trying my best to get ready. I wanted to look good because I’d heard from this girl that he told his friend that he was planning on us both losing our virginity.” I suddenly grew aware of what I was doing. I was telling Jonah Mathews personal crap that I didn’t even need to be telling him. What was I doing? I wasn’t sure why, but I continued to tell him everything that I’d even been too scared to tell my own mother.

            “Anyway I’d been begging my mother to let me wear these pearl earrings that she’d been keeping from me until I turned seventeen. So while I was begging her, Danny had been waiting for me at this park we were planning on having an outdoors dinner. I didn’t know, though, that he was wanted by a couple by some thugs. I guess he’d gotten a loan from them a long time ago to pay for him and his mother in their apartment. He hadn’t paid them back and…” I began to cry harder, I hated talking about this. “His time was up. Back at my house my mother got so frustrated with me that she wasn’t allowing me to go and I felt so terrible I was ditching him. She didn’t even let me call him.” I was getting angry at my mother all over again, “If she had just let me call him and let him know I wasn’t going to be there, he wouldn’t have stayed and waited. I didn’t know until the next day, but I guess he was found with multiple gunshot wounds and a couple of stab wounds. He was dead and it was my entire fault.” I lost it.

            I could’ve cared less what Jonah thought of me up at that point. I was bawling and I probably looked horrid. It was all because of Jonah, he had to bring Danny up. Then again, he didn’t know, but Kylie did. She did and since she still adored him, when she found out I gave her another reason to hate me. The police never found out who did it, but I knew that it was the thugs, he always told me about how much he feared for his mother’s life even when he should’ve feared for his own.

            “No it’s not. You didn’t know. No one knew.” Jonah tried comforting me and rubbing my back. This was a complete different side of him. But a part of what he said angered me. My mother didn’t let me go. This made me angry all over again.      

            “Yeah but my mom didn’t let me go! Maybe if I could’ve gone, something different could’ve happened. I don’t know, maybe I could’ve been shot instead of him! I mean I do deserve more than he could’ve had!” I cried out.

            “No! You don’t deserve anything. Danny didn’t deserve it. No one deserves anything!” Jonah shook my shoulders. I looked up at him, my vision blurry and watery; I could still tell his eyes were looking at me with intensity.

            For some reason, everything that had led up to tonight had brought me relief. Jonah had let me know it wasn’t my fault and that I shouldn’t be hard on myself. For forever I’d hated myself, thinking I was the cause for Danny’s death. I felt like relief had flushed out everything, and I had Jonah to thank for that. I began to cry, not out of pain like I’ve been doing, but for the first time in a long time, out of happiness.

            “Hey don’t cry. Don’t cry.” Jonah hugged me and began to stroke my hair.

            “I’m not sad…but thanks.” I hugged him back.

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