Chapter Four: Invitation for the Brits

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Chapter Four bitches. That’s right.

“Hey, Mom. I was at Beth’s doing homework.” I did my best to smile at her. She did not return the gesture. Her dark brown eyes pierced into mine. When I walked into the house she was at the bottom of the stairs that were unfortunately right in front of the doors.

            “You did not answer any of my calls nor texts. Do you honestly expect me to believe you?” She asked, obviously not wanting any other answer than me begging for forgiveness. She tapped her right black heel. I examined what she was wearing, black dress pants, a navy blue cardigan buttoned up and she had her black hair pulled up into a high ponytail. She must’ve been at a meeting of some sort, as expected.

            “Well?” She said, snapping me out of my thinking.

            “Look, I’m sorry. I just don’t want to do this right now. Can I go to sleep?” I sighed, my eyes lingered the stairs. Maybe if I made a run for it and made it to my room in time she wouldn’t bother to talk to me.

            “Alright.” She sternly said before turning, her ponytail smacking my face.

            “But I want to know one more thing.” She asked, I stopped myself halfway up the stairs and turned to look at her as I groaned.

            “Why were you giving the new students a tour?” She asked, actually puzzled.

            “Mr. Fritzle wasn’t there after school and Ms. Morris was desperate to find someone to give the tour. I was there so I accepted.” I shrugged and yawned.

            “Ms. Morris?” My mother asked.

            “The principal of the school in London.” I explained, my eyes started to droop.

            “Oh yes, I should know this. I am the new principal. Alright, goodnight.” My mother said as she shook her head while walking away. Ugh, she seriously did not need to remind me of her now being the principal. I ignored this, though; right now I just wanted some sleep. I strolled down our hallway and opened my room door. I plopped down on my bed and drifted to sleep.


Fold it, Fold it, Fold it, Fold it

My alarm managed to wake me up, great. As much as I loved the song ‘1901’ by Phoenix, I slowly began to hate it. Making good songs as your alarm for school is great way to ruin them. I groaned before I sat myself up and turned off my alarm. Time for school.

After an hour and half of getting ready, I was going to head downstairs to eat breakfast. I looked at the time. 7:30, our school doesn’t start until 8:00, so I still had time thankfully. I looked one more time in the mirror. Today, I decided to wear my floral patterned skinny jeans, a flowy pastel pink blouse, and my white converse. My hair was looking good today, after I blow dried my hair from my shower, I decided to curl it. I might as well try to look good, since yesterday was a huge fail on making an impression. Then again, most of them probably didn’t even notice my outfit that much during the tour, or maybe they did. But the point is, this was my day to make a better impression.

I jogged down the stairs and to the kitchen. After putting in two pieces of white bread in the toaster, I opened my refrigerator to pull out the butter and strawberry jam. I frowned when there was no jam. As if on cue, my mother walked into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee from the machine that I hadn’t even noticed was on.

“We’re out of jam.” I told her as I pulled out the butter and closed the fridge door. She looked my way before taking a sip of her coffee. Gross, it was straight black.

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