Chapter Twelve: Invitation to my Party

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Dun dun dunnn.

“I’m not sure about this anymore.” I pleaded. Beth rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm to drag me out into the store.

            It was afterschool on Monday and Beth had driven us in her car to the mall because then she knew I would have to go with her and have no choice to sneak out and drive home. School was a bit awkward because Emi and Cameron sat with us and we weren’t used to more people being at our lunch table. Beth was nice to Emi even though I could tell she felt uncomfortable at her presence, but I know that they’re going to be good friends eventually.           

            Cameron stared at me a lot throughout school and in our classes together our conversations would always be hilarious and nice. I was having a good day so far, until it was time to go to the mall. Don’t get me wrong, I love the mall and buying clothes, but I knew we were only doing this for the party that I’m supposed to throw this Friday.

            “Look, they have a sale.” Beth led me to the back of the store where the dresses were. Somewhere on sale, but that didn’t mean they weren’t expensive still.

            I nervously fidgeted with my fingers as I felt sick to my stomach.

            “This one is cute.” Beth grabbed an ocean blue short poofy dress off of the rack, not my style but still cute. “Don’t you think?”

            I didn’t say anything, but then I finally came to my senses and decided what to do.

            “No dress,” I said, “and I get to pick.”


            “What do you think?” I stepped out of the dressing room to stand in front of Beth. The outfit I had chosen was within my budget and I thought it was cute. A simple lacey pastel blue long-sleeve and dark denim skinny jeans to go with the cute creamy colored heels I had chosen. Sure I knew I wouldn’t be able to eat out much, but I knew that one night to be the fashionable center of attention would be worth it.

            “Dude, that’s perfect.” Beth began to get off of her chair. She looked me up and down and smiled. “Alright let’s go and pay for this, I’m tired and hungry.”

            “Okay,” I laughed and looked at myself in the mirror. I liked it. A lot.

            After paying for my outfit, we headed for the food court. My stomach was gnawing at me and killing me, so a nice fulfilling meal would be nice.

            Once the food court was in view I smiled widely. Chinese was what Beth and I agreed on our way over there.

            As we walked, I skimmed the area for anyone that we knew. Maybe Cameron or Emi would be here. Oh no. I sure found people that we knew, in fact, people that we knew too well.

            “Dude, Beth. Look who’s here.” I nudged her with my elbow as I did my best to look ahead and not look at the group of populars that were about three yards away from us. They were by the fountain that the populars always sat and gossiped by. I immediately regretted going to the most popular mall in New York, but Beth said we’d find better clothes here. The populars always went to this mall, and I was aware of that, but I thought since it was Monday they’d be doing something else, guess not.

            “What? Ew gross. Just ignore them and let’s eat. I’m starving and unfortunately, even Kylie can’t get in my way from eating.” Beth said simply as we kept walking. I sneaked a peek and decided to look more at who was all there, the first time I spotted them I saw Kylie and Grace.

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