Chapter Eighteen: Date Still On?

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Okay so here comes chapter eighteen!

I talked to Beth last night about everything. We went to sleep and set an alarm for eight. We would both need to start cleaning early. We started in my room, which was easy. We cleaned the hallway upstairs but knew that it was a good thing we had bleach. We cleaned my upstairs bathroom and had to kick a few kids out of there. Then we went downstairs and spread out to kick everyone out so we could clean. From what I heard from numerous drunken whispers, the party was a hit. I should’ve felt good and accomplished since it was what I wanted, but I didn’t really. The Cameron situation was decided last night that I go to his loft and apologize face-to-face and ask if the date could still be on since I knew in no doubt it was currently cancelled.

            Beth was nice enough to agree to continue to clean by herself as I go apologize and ask if the date could still be on. She also agreed that if we both didn’t finish cleaning by the time I needed to get ready for my date (if the date would still be on), that she would also continue to clean. I was happy a bit, but not really since I still couldn’t talk to Cameron. I could only continue to clean people’s vomit off of my kitchen tile until it came time for me to drive to Cameron’s loft.


            “Well at least we’re a bit more than halfway done,” Beth tried to cheer me up and make me feel better. But I was far from that. It was six-thirty, the time Beth and I said would be when I would drive over.

            “Yeah, thank God. Alright thanks for everything, Beth. You’re the best.” I smiled as I grasped my keys out of wallet I had placed in my bedroom earlier for safe-keeping from the party.

            “Can’t wait to help you dress.” She continued to apply more bleach in various areas on my living room carpet. It was the last room but a complete mess.

            “If he even accepts my apology.” I said as I opened the door.

            “Oh he will.” Beth said with a voice of such surety. I just wish I felt that he’d say yes.

            I only hopped into my car and began to drive into the city. After the long time it took to get in there, I ended up a block away from this loft. My heart was thumping loud and practically counting down the seconds until I’d have to confront him face-to-face.

            I parked and realization hit. He was going to say no. I couldn’t blame him. Oh no I should just drive home and tell Beth that he said no, I’d rather deal with my humiliation from Beth than him. Despite my thoughts, my legs were carrying me to the buzzer.


            “Yes?” Emi said through the speaker. Woosh, yay it was the right one. Since Beth already knew the plan last night, she asked Emi for her loft number as she returned Emi the speakers she let us borrow. When Emi asked, Beth told her the plan and Emi was on board. I was grateful that she didn’t believe Grace and Kylie, but I was also grateful she answered. She had said that she might not answer since she had important things, but I was so happy to hear her voice.

            “Hey,” I croaked. I cleared my throat. “It’s me.”

            “Oh!” Emi said sounding shocked. I guess she was surprised I had even shown up, heck I was too. “Come on up.” The buzzer buzzed loudly again and I found myself opening the door and making the steps up to their room number. I even started thinking of random things, like how they would let kids let random strangers in. Oh well, I bet it’s just Ms. Morris letting the security know that I was cool.

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