Chapter Sixteen: Helping Ms. Morris

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Okay so I’ve decided to make this the chapter where the things leading up to the party will begin and possibly the actual party might begin, but most of the party will be in the next chapter.

“So I’m thinking that’s it?” Logan asked. I nodded and struggled to carry the boxes inside my house. Beth was over and helping me as well.

            “Thanks again so much, Logan. You’re the best.” Beth grunted as she lifted another box off the ground.

            “Yeah-yeah. No problem. See you both at school. Bye, Rose. Beth.” He nervously said and walked back to his car and drove away.

            “That kid needs to calm down and just tell you his likes you already.” Beth said as she placed the last box on the counter.

            We had just gotten three boxes and two kegs full of beer. As expensive as it was, I hope it was worth it.    It was Thursday and we were preparing for the party tomorrow. I was extremely nervous now that the time was ticking away.

            “He doesn’t like me. That’s just too weird.” I brushed it off and looked into my fridge for a beverage. It was ninety degrees outside and the house couldn’t be any hotter.

            “Oh okay. Whatever.” Beth took a seat on one of our dining room chairs and began to fan herself with the nearby magazine. A buzz came from Beth and I threw the Coke at her. I opened up mine and took a nice long drink of it. It instantly cooled me down a bit.

            “Ugh, my mom wants me home to babysit Squirt. I always tell her he’s old enough and he does too, but she never listens.” Beth opened her drink and sat up. She took a long sip like me and walked away. She stopped and said goodbye, saying she’ll text me later if Squirt isn’t too much to handle. I waved goodbye and soon I was home alone.

            It felt different now, though. Before my mom had just left, but now I just felt alone and bored. Nothing better to do, so I turned on the TV and turned it to Bad Girls Club. After an hour or so, I decided I was hungry and that it was time for lunch…or since I haven’t exactly bought groceries yet…snack time. Just as I was about open up the cupboard and rave on some Dorritos, the house phone in the living room rang.

            “UGH.” I complained and walked to it. My mother said I should answer every call in case if it’s important business.

            “Hello?” I dully answered.

            “Hello this is Ms. Morris.” The woman said. Ms Morris? Da fuq she calling here for? I mean I know I helped her by giving her a tour but how did she get our number? Wait she’s the principal.

            “Uh, you do know that my mother is away on a business trip, right?” I responded.

            “Yes I’m aware of that and I knew you’d be answering, Rose. I was intentionally hoping to get a hold of you.” Ms. Morris continued, “I know you’ve done so much for me and for that I’m immensely grateful but I must ask for another favor.”

            “Anything, Ms. Morris.” I said, my sucking-up side of me was popping out. If I were to get my mother to not kill me if I ever got too out of hand (which she needn’t worry about like ever), then maybe Ms. Morris will help me.

            “Your mother has called me recently and has told me that she forgot rather important files in her office that I need. If you could please get them for me and bring them over that would be wonderful and I’d be more than happy to help you afterwards for anything that you will need. I would go over myself but I’ve been held up and-”I cut off Ms. Morris.

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