Chapter Nine: Valentine's Coffee

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Ahhh I missed writing. Sorry I haven’t uploaded in a while. I was away campin! J It’s good to be back, though. Okay here it goes! J

If ever in my life, could I have an opportunity to disappear completely off the face of the earth, it would definitely be now. And trust me, there were plenty of times where I’ve thought this before, but now I was sure of it. Sigh, might as well get it over with.

            I stepped shakily, each step I felt that massive weights were hung around my ankles and forcing me to take those devastating steps closer and up to my front door. After a few minutes of debating whether or not I should enter my house, I decided to face my fear. If I get it over with now, the consequence will come faster than just waiting around and fearing it. So I did it, I raised my extremely shaky hand and turned the knob, dreading what would be waiting on the other side of the door. Would my mother be there waiting with her arms crossed over her chest? Because that’s what she does when I come home and I’m in the worst of trouble. I need to stop; I’m picturing my mother as a giant monster that can devour me whole. Well…if she’s that angry, that’s a possibility… no, stop being a baby, Rose.

            CREAKKKKK. Oh shut up, door. I had my eyes closed, waiting for the bomb to drop and my mother’s words to come flooding out. But when nothing came and the silence filled the room, I turned curious. Why wasn’t she saying anything? I opened my eyes.

            No one. Nothing. Nada. Or maybe it’s just me having my hopes up too high. She’s probably in her office.

            I walked to the office, I was done being scared of her, and I already waited for about ten minutes outside because of it. Now I was just tired and wanted to get my punishment over with.

            “Mom?” My voice echoed through the empty hallway. I knocked lightly on her office. No answer. Maybe she was just trying to have my punishment sink in more, so that I felt the full capacity of what the pain would be. Twisted, but not disbelieving.

            “Mom, look let me explain.” I began as I opened the door. No one was in there. Okay, now I was tired of this. I ran up the stairs and decided to just go into my room  because I was just tired and if I at least have a nap before she kills me, I think I’ll die a happy girl. As I lifted my drowsy head to open my door, I saw there was a sticky note attached it to.


            OH SWEET JESUS, THANK GOD. That problem is over with, wooooooooo! But there’s still the problem with Beth… Time to confront that one as well, and not take as long.

            I jogged down the stairs and set down my to-go box from earlier on the kitchen table, I then went to my living room to grab the ten dollars. I could pick up Beth after apologizing, and to sugar-coat it, I could buy her breakfast. I’d just have to finish my blueberry pancakes afterwards.

            I turned on my car and began to drive to Beth’s house. Let’s just hope the situation isn’t as bad as it sounds.


            I dialed Beth as I drove. It ringed only three times, before it was cut off and greeted by Beth’s voicemail. She ignored the call. I sighed and dialed Zoey instead since Sydney already told me her point of view.

            “Hello?” Zoey said.

            “Hey, Zoey.” I said, relieved she answered.

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