Jonah POV [from Ch. 22]

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So here's Jonah's POV from Chapter 22! The one where they both get drunk at the bar and shit goes down! If you don't recall/remember this chapter, I highly recommend you go and re-read it before reading this. Thank you and enjoy! :)

I sound absolutely horrible. How did I let Rose talk me into doing this? Oh, who am I kidding? That girl can talk me into doing almost anything. Actually, maybe it’s more like the alcohol in my system was doing everything for me. Regardless, I found myself singing to The Spice Girls. Yes, the Spice Girls.

            When we finished our absolutely terrible singing, we both ridiculously cheered on ourselves while a kind gentleman in the corner gave us the thumbs up. What a lad, I thought to myself.

            Once at the booth, I felt a heavy weighing on my eyelids. Had I really been this tired the entire time? Before I even fully realized it, I heard Rose mumbling as I faded away. I was mad at myself. Mad that I was fading away from Rose. I wasn’t even quite sure to begin with why I was fading away. Was I sleeping? Last I remember looking at the clock it was nearly three in the morning.

            From the little amount I can recall from my dream, I can only make out the shapes and voices in it.

            “Just a drink.” I kept hearing in echoes. “Just a drink.”

            “No one dies from it.”

            “Just a drink.”

            And that’s when the images began to fade into my dream again. They never left. Never.


            A girl’s whimper echoed in my mind and tortured me fully. I felt myself stir.

            “Jonah,” She had only said my name once, but that cry for help, for my help, will forever be etched into my brain.

            I felt myself awaken from the pressure of something on my shoulder.

            “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to scare you, sugar. I just noticed you kept spazzing on over here so I went to go check up on you.” Whoever this was, I noticed they had a beautiful smile. Rose had a beautiful smile.

            Everything was blurry, and all I could think about was Rose. Had Rose woke me up?

            “You’re back.” I did my best to smile at her. She couldn’t know how bad of a state I was in. I could not ruin this night for her simply because I couldn’t keep it together for one night.

            “Yes, I am back.” She smiled wider, sitting down beside me. Was Rose’s hair always this long? She placed her hand on mine.

            “I know we’re having fun, but don’t you think we can have fun elsewhere?” I asked. Rose would understand. Though I did not want to ruin her fun, I did not want to be here anymore.

            “What do you have in mind?” She asked. Why does Rose’s hair look so different? I thought to myself. I found myself running my hand through her hair, twirling it. It felt a bit the same.

            I didn’t reply but I kept feeling her hair. It didn’t feel right, but it’d be rude to tell Rose that, so I kept quiet.

            Then she began to lean in. She’s trying to kiss you, I had to remind myself so I could lean in as well.

            “Rose, I’d like to kiss you, truly. But I feel as if I might throw up if I got through with it. And I’d rather not do that.” I leaned away, warning her. As gross as it sounded, I didn’t care. It’d be far more disgusting if I didn’t and it possibly happened.

            She kissed me anyway and then pulled away.

            She laughed, her smile no longer seeming beautiful to me as she finished. And just like that, she became much clearer. Her dark hair seemed much redder to me now. But I was too tired again, and I fell into a deep sleep once more. Rose is much more beautiful, I thought, why did she not look beautiful to me then? But the sleep pulled me in finally, and this time, it was all black.


            I woke up later with what seemed like ages later but could’ve easily been a few minutes. The first thing I noticed was the cold and emptiness beside me. Rose wasn’t there.

            “Rose,” I mumbled to myself, and I instantly was more alert.

            I looked around the bar and noticed only the man from before was still there, drinking beer quietly in the corner. He was the same man from karaoke earlier, but this time now that I was more sober, I noticed he was not at all in a suit as I had thought. Then I noticed the waitress/bartender behind the counter. The redhead.

            “You,” I said loudly. She looked over at me instantly and smirked.


            “Where is Rose?” I asked quickly, moving myself away from the booth and closer to the counter as I explained in more detail, “The girl I was with earlier in the night.”

            “Oh…” She said under her breath, “That’s her name.”

            “Sorry?” I hadn’t heard.

            “I’m used to men calling me the wrong name all the time. Apparently Britney is hard to remember for drunken messes to remember. I just thought…” She trailed off.


            “Your girly left. I’m…not sure why. When I was outside earlier taking out the garbage, I saw her against the wall, talking on the phone.” She explained, looking down at her shoes.

            “Thank you.” I said, hurried.

            I was desperate to find Rose. Even though she left me here alone, I was more worried about how she would get home. Was she alright?

            The wind and air was cold. It was so cold. But all I could think of was Rose.

            So I searched, and I searched. I called out her name sometimes, too, but she still wasn’t there or to be seen. So she really had left.

            I was getting too cold to search anymore and at this point, I was sure she had left, so I did, too.

            I got into my car and drove away, but the entire time I couldn’t stop thinking of her. Her safety. Why she had left. Why?

            Once at my apartment I shared with my mother, I immediately tried calling Rose about ten times, but her phone was soon turned off or something, because it went straight to voicemail then.

            I went to sleep worried for her, again.

            But then I realized it all more thoroughly.

            She left me. She left me. She left me.

            And then I was angry.

            And I was upset.

            And I was confused.

            But the only real emotion I remember feeling that night of the little sleep I got, was the empty and harsh feeling of being abandoned.

So that's it! I know it took longer than I said it would, but break and finals stressing got in the way! :( I hope you guys like this! I know I said I'd do five of these but I'm not really sure. For some reason, too, you guys are embaressed or something to comment on it but some of you guys are messaging me for POVs of Jonah. I swear y'all love being the quiet readers and that's cool and all but i mean :/// anywayyyy, I might do the other requests if i have time over our Christmas break (coming in two weeks) so yeah :) [they'd be the dance and etc.]

anyhoo, dedicated to the user who requested this. You know who you are :)

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