Chapter Thirty-Four: Promises Are Better Off Unkempt

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I think how writing-deprived I was is catching up to me. I’ve been twitching to let out a new chapter since yesterday, so here I am! :D *crowd commences to throw tomatoes* Bah! :( Fine here’s the chapter.

I wake up with an awful taste in my mouth. I must’ve forgotten to brush my teeth last night. Still, it was confusing considering I had eaten nothing at all yesterday. Which reminded me…


My stomach roared and I whimpered. I was starving. I looked over at my alarm. It read 5:45. I was way up before my alarm would ever go off. I rolled over to my phone and set off my alarm. I lay in my bed for a few more minutes before I went and turned on my lights. I might as well get ready if I’m not going to sleep anymore because of the killer hunger I had.

I stepped over to my closet and drawers, honestly not giving a shit if I looked terrible today. I picked out a plain black sweater and my skinny jeans that were incredibly comfy. I slipped on some snug socks and put my black high-tops on. I checked the time on my phone. 6:00. Wow, I got ready extremely fast.

I looked at myself in my mirror. My hair was a wreck. I combed out my dark tangles and sighed when I realized it was no use to try and style down. I pulled it up for a high pony tail and pinned it slick. If everything else in my life was messy, at least my hair wouldn’t be.

As I walked down my hallway, I heard my mother behind her door. I had no idea she was up this early.

“Yes, I understand.” She sighed, “I’ll get those papers in by tomorrow.”

I had no idea what that was about. Then again, all her calls were random. I heard her softly cry behind the door. I was so tempted to open it and walk over to her to hug her tightly and hold her. In place of my father, she needed someone. But I knew it was not a good idea to do now, so I did my best to ignore it and continue going down the stairs.


“Rose,” Emi said and I looked up from The Great Gatsby to see her looking at me with sad eyes. I could already tell what was coming. “I heard about your father. I’m so sorry.”

She ran over to me and hugged me awkwardly seeing as I was sitting down. I hugged her back, really liking being held by someone other than my mother in these terrible times.

In the morning, I had left my house to go to Valentine’s Coffee. There was nothing that made you feel better than a few warm chocolate chip cookies and some mocha coffee. So I stopped by, and luckily, Mrs. Valentine hadn’t heard about my father. Otherwise, she would’ve been blubbering to me about how sorry she was and I don’t know if I wouldn’t be able to handle seeing that sweet woman cry.

Now, I noticed all the Brits were finally coming to school in their buses. Emi and Cameron must’ve gone in his car and as did Jonah. I was patiently waiting for anyone who sat at our table to arrive. At the time, it was just me being a loner. I even saw Beth walk by me. She gave me a sad look, but walked away quickly when someone called her name.

“Yeah, that must suck. I hope your father wakes up, Rose.” Marvin said as Emi pulled away.

“Thanks, Marvin.” I smiled at him.

That’s when Logan came into view; he was walking towards me, a small smile on his face.

“Hey, how you holding up?” He asked me, sitting down next to me. I turned to Emi and saw she was looking at us but quickly turned away to talk to Marvin quietly.

“I’m surprisingly okay. I think it’s when people bring it up that it just kinda sucks a little more.” I said honestly. I was glad to have Logan by my side. He knew we were both done wrongly.

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