Chapter Thirty-Six: Patches

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This chapter will kinda wrap things up on the redemption front, but I’m not sure if I’ll include some Jonah and Rose action. I’ll just see wherever the writing wind blows me! Anyway, enjoy!

The next day was hectic. Practically everyone was riled up. You could even say that it matched everyone’s enthusiasm the day the Brits came. It was a day like any other, but why was everyone excited again? Because this Friday was the last Friday of school. Next Friday would be the day of the dance. The dance. The big talk of the entire school.

My mom riled up all the juniors and shoved them into the hot gym where the kids of that last period just sweated up in. It was pretty gross. I don’t think my mom understood just how hectic everything, because if she did: she wouldn’t have let them in.

“Everyone stop talking!” She yelled into the microphone, which screeched afterwards in echoes. That shut everybody up as they clamped their hands over their ears. My mom signaled the school’s tech team to fix the feedback. Afterwards, when they gave her the signal to talk, she went on, “Now I know everyone’s excited about this being the last Friday of the year, but we need to maintain calm. We will both tell you again what to expect at the dance this Monday and what we expect from you all. Plus, I have something I need to tell you all and I expect you to take the news like mature adults.”

Everyone started murmuring again. My mom sighed in frustration and looked over at Ms. Morris who stood beside her. Ms. Morris nodded and offered her hand, which my mother placed the microphone in as everyone continued to chatter. “ENOUGH!”

Everyone shut up again, a bit stunned at the usually calm Ms. Morris.

“Here’s what is going to happen.” Ms. Morris went on when she thought we were silent enough, “Channel 4 News of New York’s camera crew is going to walk through those doors shortly to interview a handful of students about this program. They are also going to get a few shots of you all signing each other’s yearbooks, so I hope you brought yours as you were all instructed.”

Before anyone could begin talking again, Ms. Morris continued loudly, “AND, they are also going to film a bit of the dance next Friday for only the first ten minutes. For now, if I or Mrs. Clarkson catches you being silly and making this school look bad, you will be hearing from me.”

Instantly, everyone’s eyes widened as did mine. That was unexpected. I mean, I knew about Channel 4 coming. She got the call last night and I remember the conversation and how flustered she was.

“Hello?” She paused and her eyes widened as we both sat at the table. For the first time since the program started, she had actually cooked a nice meal for us to eat. She looked over at me and walked off into the hallway where I could still hear her.

“This is such short notice… yes I do understand that this would be great publicity for the school to gain more students. I can probably fit a time in… tomorrow the kids are doing a signing for the yearbook, you can interview the kids then along with getting shots. That time would be perfect. You want to come on the day of the dance? We can possibly make that work but only for a short time, we have to give the kids time to spend time with each other for the final time….okay great that work’s grea- hello? Hello?”

My mother walked back in then and looked me with incredulous eyes, “Channel 4 is coming to the school tomorrow and-”

“I heard.” I told her. And then she said okay before we continued eating in silence.

So the camera crew walked in and everyone began talking again, where Ms. Morris sighed in frustration and let the signing begin. Immediately, of course, Beth and I traded yearbooks where we took a whole two minutes signing each other and filling an entire page. I was so glad that we finally got the shipments of the yearbooks this morning as they came in (the yearbook meeting this Wednesday was purely to look over the yearbooks once more before confirming it, so they could ship it over night {the company was in New York, making shipping easy}). Luckily, we were smart as the yearbook club and made the yearbook extra thick with signing pages due to the extra Brits.

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