Chapter Six: Making an Entrance for the Brits

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! J

“Hey, are you going to the party today?” Logan asked me. Yes, it was Friday. My free day yesterday had gone by too fast.

            “Yeah, Beth, Sydney, Zoey, and I are going. Emi invited me, too.” I replied as I continued to walk to my second classroom. Throughout first period, Logan had been constantly talking to me. At first, I thought it was a bit strange, but now it was just plain weird. And what made it weirder was that every time Beth joined in on the conversation, he shut up. I’m not sure, but he makes it seem like he doesn’t like Beth.

            “Oh really?” Logan chirped. I nodded slowly…strange.

            “Well, bye.” I waved slightly as I walked into Ms. Everett’s class.

            “Bye!” Logan happily waved.

            “What’s up with that?” Beth asked the same question that was in my head as soon as I sat down beside her.

            “I seriously don’t even know.” I explained as I got a pencil from my pencil case.

            “I think he probably likes you.” Beth said as she turned in her seat to glare at Ms. Everett as she walked in from talking to Mr. Piers

            I didn’t reply. It was questionable. I mean, he had started to talk to me a lot more than he rarely did. And as strange and unbelievable as it sounds, I don’t think even if he did like me, I didn’t like him back. Yeah, I know he’s completely gorgeous and just great to look at, but he just wasn’t my type. No one had really been my type since Danny. But everyone has forgotten about Danny except me.

            After Beth pointed out the possibility of Logan liking me, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Not the him liking me part, but the part where my only type has ever been Danny.


            Back at Beth’s house, she had somehow convinced me to let her, Zoey, and Sydney give me a make-over. After an hour of them messing around with my face and hair, I had begun to re-think the whole thing.

            “Okay, this is taking way too long. Let me just go home, my mom only agreed to let me stay at yours for two hours just to work on homework and if she sees me with nice hair and make-up she’s going to know something’s up.” I tried to persuade Beth as she finished applying lip-gloss onto my lips.

            “No, she won’t.  Before you go into your house just put your hair up. We’re going to sneak into your house through the tree before it’s time to go and hand you the clothes to change into. If she decides to comment on how hot your face looks, just say that you wanted to at least make an effort on your face since your outfit was so crappy today.” Beth said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

            “Hey!” I yelped as she accidently poked my eye applying eye liner.

            “She didn’t see you today, right?” Beth asked, ignoring my cry.

            “No…” I said as I reached to rub my eye but she slapped it away.

            “Good, so our plan will work.” She assured. I let out long groan as I knew this was going to take forever. And it did. About another hour later, everyone was ready, including me.

            “Bye.” I waved as I entered into my car, I still hadn’t seen my face, Beth, Zoey, and Sydney would not permit it.

            “Remember to put your hair up lightly, but don’t ruin it!” Beth waved her finger around like an old man trying to keep kids off his lawn.

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