Chapter Thirty-Seven: It Isn't Prom

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Chapter Thirty-Seven: It Isn’t Prom

“So…” I trailed off as we stepped through my bedroom door. I walked over to my bed and sat on it, watching Jonah as he looked around my bedroom, almost as if analyzing it.

“Rose,” He began, but I cut him off.

I was bubbling as I stepped up the stairs to my room, so now that we were here, I couldn’t help but let it all out. “I’m done with you, Jonah. I just have to let that out right now in case you were planning anything. I’m done letting you mess with my mind.”

I didn’t expect him to drop it as easily as he did, but he just nodded.

“Rose, I didn’t come here to talk to you about that. I just wanted to let you know that…” he paused, looking unsure about his words, “that I’m sorry, Rose.”


“I came here to America, hoping to get away from things at home because I was running. I didn’t want to face my problems. Rose, when I was with you earlier this year, you made me realize a lot of things. For one, I realized that not every girl is good at climbing trees. Secondly, I realized that I like you…like a lot.” He shook his head afterwards, sighing and closing his eyes, obviously frustrated with himself.

“Fuck, I didn’t come over to lie to you or myself so it stops now.” He looked back up at me those soft blue eyes of his that, at the moment, were bluer than I’d ever seen them before. My heart stopped as he stepped closer to me, holding my face in his hand as he looked directly in my eyes, “I love you, Rose. I really do. From the moment I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world, and I still do. I love you, and it’s okay that you don’t love me back because I’m okay with that. Just letting you know is enough for me.”

I was sure at this point that I looked like an idiot just staring at him, my mouth gaping open, desperately searching to give him an answer. Sadly, I couldn’t think of anything real solid at the moment. All I could think of was It’s all my fault. I let him believe that I didn’t love him back. I let him believe that I could care less about it and he’s leaving. That dance is only a week away and because of me, we couldn’t even enjoy the little time we had left.

I’m sorry, Jonah.” I finally managed to say, but it was nearly a whisper as I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to see him looking at me crying.

“About what?” I heard him say as he continued to hold my face in his palms.

“About everything.” I told him, opening my eyes now. I removed his hands from my face and continued, “I literally ruined everything. I dated Cameron and cheated on him with you and I’m a terrible person for doing that. Now, I ruined your friendship with Cameron just because I’m an idiot. I got in both of your ways. I’m the one who’s been fucking up, Jonah. I am.”

“Rose, what are you talking about?” Jonah said and followed me to my bed. We both sat down and he continued, “No, it’s not. I-”

“No, Jonah, you don’t understand. Not only is everything my fault between us but my mom’s depressed again and my dad’s in a coma.” I kept sobbing, the words unable to stop, “And I can’t help but think it’s somehow my fault.”

“No.” That’s all Jonah said as he pressed me against his chest. He was warm and I missed his smell desperately.

“It makes sense, Jonah. Danny’s death was my fault, too.” I sniffled, though inside I was calming down. The way Jonah was holding me and the way he was so soft, I couldn’t help but feel a tad bit sleepy.

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