Chapter Fourteen: Another Encounter

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Okay so it’s now time to continue what happens after Jonah finds out that it was Rose spying on him…

I groaned in pain. I couldn’t move let alone say anything with his weight on top of me.

            “Who are you and why the fuck were you watching me?” Jonah asks angrily. I managed to cough before answering.

            “I didn’t mean to watch!” I wheezed. Jonah froze and immediately got off of me.

            “Rose?” I heard him ask. I gathered myself up and looked up at him. He was now in the light, I stepped into it so he could see my face.

            “Yeah, sorry. Thanks for getting off of me.” I looked back down at my feet. This was awkward.

            “What are you doing here?” He asks.

            “I’m with my friends at the party.” I gestured towards that house that was a couple of feet away. I continued. “What are you doing here?”

            “Same as you. At the party.” He answered. I nodded but didn’t say anything more. Of course Jonah would already know college people, he is Jonah Mathews. Plus he’s a Brit.

            “Why were you spying on me?” Jonah asked after a while.

            “Well, I wasn’t even spying on you to begin with. I was just getting some fresh air and I heard arguing, very loud arguing, might I add. I went to go check it out and saw that you beat the shit out of whoever that was and then you started walking towards me. Now I don’t know about you but I preferred to not bump into you and risk getting my ass kicked.” I explained.

            “I would never beat the shit out of you, Rose.” Jonah laughed. That’s actually kind of cute, and it made me feel a tad bit special, “I don’t even lay a finger on a girl with the intention of beating them.” And now I didn’t feel special, but it did make me notice his sweetness and respect for women (except of course that he probably plays them but at least the doesn’t hurt them physically).

            “So why was he mad at you and had the need to try and beat the shit out of you?” I asked. I kind of already knew, but I wanted to hear Jonah explain more in detail, plus I just wanted to hear him say it.

            “Well, I was snogging his girlfriend, Kate or something, and when I was about to shag her, he saw us.” Jonah explained. I didn’t really get what he was saying (oh British slang) but I think I knew what he meant. Snog=makeout. Shag=bang.

            “Aren’t you going out with Grace?” I asked. Did they break up? Oh great, another reason for her to hate me even though I had nothing to do with it if they did.

            “She wants me but I honestly don’t like her. We’re not even going out. She means nothing to me but what can I say? If she’s going to let me shag her every once in a while, would you pass it up?” Jonah smirked. Ugh, gross. He was a pig. I mean yeah he said that gentleman bullcrap about not hitting a girl, but I also hated when guys acted like he was right now.

            “Wow, expected Jonah, very expected.” I began, Jonah’s smirk was wiped off his face immediately as I continued, “You’re disgusting and you’re just like every other guy. I feel bad for Grace.” I began to walk away buy Jonah grabbed my arm.

            “Wait don’t go so soon. Let’s hang out.” Jonah asked. He had a face of hope, this kid really wanted to hang out with me, or he wanted to get in my pants, either way I wasn’t going to submit. I shoved his arm off.

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