Chapter Forty: Epilogue

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Epilogue :’)

Chapter Forty: Epilogue

            The dance was an amazing night. After our romantic but very cliché dance in the gazebo, Jonah and I went back into the hotel and finished off the night surrounded by all of our friends.

            It was all I had ever hoped for.

            My father was not in a coma. My mother was not going to spend this night alone. I was not in any issues with Jonah nor Cameron. I could’ve cared less about Grace or Zoey. I guess I was only really thinking about having fun.

            And I did.

Near the End of the Dance

            After the dance, Jonah had separated himself from me quickly while I had gone to the bathroom. When I went back to the lobby (where many of the students were slowly going away from and to their rooms), Beth and Jonah were there waiting for me.

            “What’s up?” I asked hesitantly as I approached them. Beth was grinning widely while Jonah was only there smiling at me as he had been this entire night.

            “I bargained with Beth here if we could check you in with her, but should you like to… spend the night with me?” He questioned, scanning my face.

            My cheeks blushed. Did he mean…?

            “I’ll be waiting in our room if you change your mind…” Beth said, leaving us alone, though I could read her mind easily, GO you dimwit.

            But was I ready?

            “Sure.” I said, smiling. How bad could it be?

            Very bad, actually.

            When I went to his bathroom as soon as I got in his room (he was supposed to be sharing with Marvin, but Marvin snuck into Emi’s room and Emi’s partner snuck into another person’s room), I completely got myself ready.

            I spent about ten minutes just making sure I looked okay.

            When I exited, Jonah was barely putting on his blank white t-shirt. He was wearing sweats.

            “Rose, may I ask why you are wearing that to bed?” He asks, referring to the lingerie Beth had snuck into my bag (every student brought one to bring to their hotel room).

            “Oh God.” I said as I instantly felt like an idiot. “I misinterpreted on so many levels.” I groaned and fell onto the bed, covering my face from embarrassment. “I’m such an idiot.”

            I heard Jonah’s laugh as he sat on the bed beside me. He rested his hand on my thigh. “I’m sorry you misinterpreted what I said, Rose. I wasn’t sure if you would like to do that tonight. If you’d like…”

            “I’d rather not.” I say and explain as I pulled myself up, “Sorry, I do. It’s just that I’m not really in the mood after embarrassing myself tremendously. Also, I don’t really think I’m ready anyway.”

            “That’s perfectly fine, Rose. I just want to have you sleep in my arms tonight.” He smiled.

            “I’d like that.” I bit my lip, looking at his. Before we could even kiss, the rush of how stupid I was only seconds ago hit me and I ran into his bathroom to change back into my cute PJs I myself had packed before walking back out.

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