Chapter Seventeen: House Party (Part 2)

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Alright, onto part 2.

CONTINUED… I looked around in the darkness. Searching for anyone. Maybe I confused Jonah with Beth, but that’d be too weird. Well I did only see blonde hair so who knows. It could’ve been the nasty Grace or even worse, Kylie. I ignored these bad vibes however, and continued wandering through my front yard. I wasn’t alone. Nope. There were couples scattered all over the place and making-out or doing other things that are just plain disgusting. There were also groups of guys who can’t get any girls so they drink their hearts out. I did my best to ignore this and keep walking.

            I needed a plan. If it was Beth, it didn’t matter and I could improvise. If it was Grace, ignore and continue searching. If it was Kylie, ABORT ABORT ABORT ABORT and go to house. Jonah though, I wasn’t just sure what I would do if it was that situation.

            After walking for a bit, I was coming to realization how stupid this all was. I was by where the big tree was at (the one right outside my room) and I was just angry at myself. What was expecting? I kicked at the tree and turned to walk back into my house.

            “Pssst.” I heard someone hiss. What the. I turned immediately. Scared and creeped out, I continued to walk, now wary that someone was close. Too close.

            I turned around a few times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. Gotta cut back on the drinks...even though I wasn't even drinking.

I continued to walk away when I felt something tap my head. Literally tap my head. I quickly turned around and saw no one was there. But when I looked on the ground there was little pine-thingy-mabob on the ground. Those only came from the tree...which was up above. I slowly looked up, expecting a crazed murdered to hop down and stab me twenty-seven times.

When I did look up, I couldn't make out the figure. Just a dark figuration of a head looking down at me. I swallowed and decided to speak.

"Who's up there?" I asked out loud. Seriously, who just casually climbs up my tree? That's just weird. The figure adjusted on top of there and loooked back up at the sky.

"Nice view up here. Ever go on it." He said. I froze in my steps. What is he doing up there?

"What are you doing?" I yelled.

"Thought I'd get some fresh air. Care to join me?" He laughed. What is up with this kid?

"Thanks, Jonah. But I'd rather pass." I replied. Wow, so here's the part where I have to improvise everything I do.

"Suit yourself." I could see his figure shrug.

"Seriously though, what are you doing up there?" I leaned up against the tree's thick bark to get a better look at him.

"I already told you. I'm getting fresh air. Oh and I can see your room, too." He said.

"I know you can see my room, dummy. It's a huge tree, what did you expect?" I let out a breathe and chuckled.

"I wonder..." He trailed off. I saw hsi figure stand up and balance on the branch.

"Sit back down you're going to fall off!" I panicked. He completely ignored me (as expected) and continued to walk on the branch. Where is he headed? "Where are you going?" I tried. He, again, ignored me and walked towards the direction of my room "Wait are you going in my room?" I yelled out.

He continued to carefully head towards the direction of my window. I forgot to lock my window! Well it's not like I expected some weirdo to climb my huge tree and go in my bedroom... but it's Jonah so I guess I should've been more cautious.

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