Chapter Nineteen: Face the Music

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So is Rose going to 'face the music'?


        “Funny story actually…” I had no idea where I was going with this, and honestly, there was nowhere to go with it. The truth was out and I was in some deep shit. And the part that sucked ass the most, it was my entire fault. I mean yeah I could’ve tried to talk some sense into myself when Beth was sucking me in with her evil magic, but I fell for it, and I can’t blame her. Even though I knew my mother wasn’t going to buy anything at this point, I continued because I might as well try not to seem completely pathetic, “I’m gonna need more than a minute.”

            “That is it, Rose. I’m done. But from your recent outburst I guess I should’ve seen it coming.” The only thing I took out of that entire lecture was where my mother said she should’ve seen it coming. Like, are you serious? The one time that I got into trouble, it was over something as stupid as Mr. Callahan being the little baby he is. But despite that what she said that made my blood boil, I ignored it and went for the only solution I honestly had. Cry, cry, cry.

            And so it began, “Mom *sobs*, I’m so sorry. I know I shouldn’t have done that. Ill take whatever punishment fits *sobs* (what can I say? I’m going for a dramatic effect here people.)” Now all I have to do is wait for my mom’s raging wrath.

            After a while of pure silence, I went out on a limb and spoke up, “Mom?”

            Nothing. Pure silence. Not that I’m complaining but seriously, if your mom was just being all quiet when she should’ve been yelling in your face completely losing her cool and she wasn’t, wouldn’t you be a bit worried?

            “I-, I need time to think. I can’t even handle this right now.” She sighed and walked out of my room. I repeat, my mother just walked out of my room. No more yelling, nothing. I stared into space for a while, the complete confusion never fully sinking in. But since I knew I had to move, I did so and just sat in my bed to worry and sulk. I just wanted to get it over with and now my mother’s going to make me pay by having me ponder every single thing I did to deserve this.

God, I’m sorry for lying to my mother in fifth grade when I ate my entire birthday cake by myself and when my mom got mad I blamed it on Beth. Despite it being delicious, I guess I already paid for that year being my chubby year. Sorry though, so sorry.

Surprisingly, I still managed to pass out and fall asleep that night for school tomorrow. Since I was only on my laptop all day yesterday and did nothing productive, I knew that I could count on my saved up energy to prepare for Monday. And here it was. Yet I was still tired and in desperate need of a nap and some cookies.

After waking up, I did my normal schedule. Dress, eat, and drive. Park at school, meet up with Beth, walk into school, get dirty look from Grace, and finally go to locker for first period.

I walked into class fully aware of my appearance. I, however, didn’t really care about what people thought now that I knew that people hated me and thought I was a slut from what Cameron told me.

Yeah, it sucks but I know that I should just get over it. Might as well feel the embarrassment today then tomorrow. But then the weirdness began.

“So I know you’ve probably gotten’ this question like millions of times but I got to know…did you do Jonah Friday?” Logan asked as we entered Mr. Callihan’s classroom. Actually, I haven’t heard anybody mention what happened Friday at the party. Not until now at least. But what bothered me was how casually he had asked. Nevertheless, I answered him to clear up any further bombarding of questions.

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