Chapter Eleven: Restoration

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Here and enjoy.

“Dad?” I whispered into my phone. My mother still wasn’t home yet like she said she wouldn’t be in her note, it was barely eight, but I had hoped that my dad would answer, and he did. I knew it would be three in the morning over there, but at least he’d be at his hotel, and I needed to talk to him.

            “It’s three in the morning. Your timing is always so terrible.” My father groaned into the phone. I could hear springs rising up, indicating he was getting off of his bed.

            “I know, I know. I was busy helping Mrs. Valentine at her shop. Listen, I haven’t been able to talk to you in forever. How is it over there?” I did my best to awaken my father without him being completely grumpy that I had waked him up.

            “It’s fine. It’s been busy, though. But I don’t really think we should be talking about that right now, I know something’s up. You wouldn’t call me knowing it’s this late unless it was important,” My father knew, crap. “What is it, Rosie?”

            “Uh…” I looked up and looked around in my dark room. Although it was still only eight, I was tired and worn out. Having a hangover, an annoying encounter with Jonah, an irritating problem to solve, and helping Mrs. Valentine for two hours can sure wear someone out.

            “What is it?” I heard my father turn on the sink from the other line.

            “Well, things aren’t getting better with Mom. She’s so, so frustrating.” I complained finally.

            “Now, I told you I wanted you to try and get along with her.” I heard my father take a sip of something, probably water.

            “It’s so hard, Dad. I try to get along with her by ignoring her and not completely being myself because that always sets her off, but she always finds a way to get irritated. The other day I was just laughing with Beth before our fight and stupid Mr. Callahan got me in trouble just for laughing. I tried to explain to her that it didn’t matter and it was stupid reason to get mad at me about, but nooooo she wouldn’t listen.” I closed my eyes thinking about everything that had happened this week. So much, and it wasn’t natural. It seemed this program wasn’t improving anything, and that the only good thing it brought to me was Cam.

            “Your mom’s just like that. I know that sometimes it seems that she can be overreacting but-” I cut off my father.

            “Seems? She is.” I scoffed.

            “Rosie,” My father sighed.

            “Sorry.” I apologized and sighed as well.

            “But that’s just the way she thinks,” My father continued, “Maybe talking to her won’t completely help you, but if you try to see things from her perspective it might help.”

            “Yeah, I guess.” I mumbled and moved around in my bed, comforting myself. Even though I changed into my pajamas before calling my father, I still felt uncomfortable with a tight knot in my back from sleeping on the floor at Kylie’s house.

            “I forgot to ask you, why are you in a fight with Beth?” He asked as I heard in the background he was getting back into his bed.

            “I ignored her at a friend’s house and called somebody else my best friend.” I explained, telling him the same thing I told Mrs. Valentine. “Also, while I was helping Mrs. Valentine she had called me twice and sent me a text saying she needed to talk to me but I haven’t gotten to call her back.”

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