Chapter Twenty-Two: Hurt

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So it’s back to where we left off! Let’s go on a ride with Jonah and Rose as they go through this crazy night!

We were back in the car and driving. And like I had requested, we were going anywhere. I’m not sure where, but I knew it was somewhere. I hadn’t really thought this through. Me, Rose Clarkson, was heading off with Jonah Mathews. Just a week ago I was completely sure that this boy would be the end of me with his cocky remarks. And now? I had just kissed him and we were heading back into the busy streets of New York.

            It was safe to say I had lost my mind and my senses. When I would come back to them is the question. For now I was in Jonah’s car, staring out into the midnight sky, wondering what this night would hold.

            I’m pretty sure we were both wondering the same exact thing. How in the world did I end up locking lips with the new Brit? Not to mention the most pursued by the girls back in my school. I only felt like this for so long before a new emotion overwhelmed me, pure and utter guilt.

            Oh no. You really did it now, Rose. Shut up, I didn’t mean to. Cameron’s heart is going to be so crushed when he hears about this. There’s nothing I can do about it. I already kissed Jonah, he kissed me back, and now we’re on our way back into the city of New York. Yes there is. Tell him to stop. Tell him to drive you back so you can get out and go into your house. Tell him to forget about tonight. This way, though it’ll be hard, you’ll save yourself from the trouble you’re adding on right now by being out with Jonah while your mother is back at home waiting. Also, you won’t feel guilty about Cameron anymore. In the end, it’s the better option. I stopped thinking right then and there. My conscious had a point. But it was tearing me apart. I could leave. I could prevent further problems. There was a slight problem though: I didn’t want to do either. I wanted to stay with Jonah, wherever he was taking me. So for the first time in a long while, I did what I wanted to do. Not what others pressured me into doing. I went with my gut and stayed quiet, waiting patiently for Jonah to arrive us at our destination, wherever that may be.

            Time went slower as I was alone in the car with Jonah at midnight, but soon somehow, we were parking at an unknown location.

            “Where are we at?” I dared to ask. We both hadn’t spoken a word since we parted lips and rushed back into his car.

            He looked over at me once before getting out of the car, I followed behind. Then when we were side-by-side, he did something that made me hold my breath. He grabbed a hold of my hand and intertwined ours together. I tried not to stare at it but it was just different. Even doing this with Cameron hadn’t brought such shivers down my spine or mushy and cliché butterflies in the pit of my stomach. With Jonah, it was on overload.

            “You don’t think that I’d come to New York without experiencing the recommended must hang spots?” He lifted a quizzical eyebrow and looked into my eyes. I looked away blushing. Okay, so now I knew that Jonah’s specialty of being extremely egotistical was never going to go away, but I don’t think that really mattered at the moment.

            “So where are we then?” I asked yet again. This was really sad. I mean, which teenage New Yorker doesn’t know a highly recommended hang-out spot while a new Brit does?

            “You seriously don’t know where we’re at?” He asked as we continued walking down the sidewalk, still earning a few envious glances from other women. You’d think in a place like New York that us women would be used to attractive men by now, but evidently, Jonah was an exception.

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