Chapter Twenty-Seven: Dirty Little Secret

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Writing again. Someone send help.

My little encounter with Jonah didn’t amount to anything when I got home. Whoever said that home is safe is an outright liar. They obviously don’t know my mother.

“Rose? Did you talk to Frank?” My mother called from her office when she heard me enter the front door.

I rummaged through my pocket to find my keys and hang them in the key holder. I removed my jacket and hung it up before answering my mom.

“Yeah. He said that it’d be ready by next Monday. He even said that he could keep it until actual Thanksgiving Day at no more cost.” I walked down my hallway and into my mother’s office. I saw her with her reading glasses on as she read through some papers, pen in hand.

“That’s good. So listen, I’ve been meaning to talk to you…” She said as she slowly removed her glasses and slid them onto the desk. Uh-oh. This was never a good sign.

“Yes?” I said as I slowly began walking backward, hopefully fast enough to be in the hallway by the time she got to her point.

“I got a call from Ms. Morris about an hour or so ago…” she trailed off and took her eyes off her computer to look into my eyes, “She said that she was worried about the music for the party because nothing yet has gotten back to her about it. Is there anything you need to make me aware of?”

Shit. Shit. Shit. With everything circulating around me, I never got around to telling my mother about the whole DJ problem! What am I going to say now?

“Well, there was a slight problem…”

“Rose! I trusted you and your friends with this simple task! You even wanted to yourself!” She yelled, obviously furious.

“I know, I know! It isn’t our fault, though! The DJ called in excusing himself and didn’t explain why! And with everything happening about-“I cut myself off before even mentioning Jonah or the football game, “about school, my friends and I haven’t been able to fit meeting up together into our busy schedule.” I tried to explain as quickly as possible before my mother’s head would explode off.

“Busy? Schedule? Rose, there are certain things that you have to learn in life to contribute to! If you don’t settle this issue soon, things will plummet down! I can’t have you ruining the entire party because of something as silly as this DJ issue!” She was hysteric, her eyes wide and crazed. I could only hold in my laughter as she accidentally flung papers everywhere with her arm.

I ran to pick them up and stack them back on her desk, hoping to have a little mercy shown on me for that act of kindness. But my mother had no heart.

“You have until the beginning of December. I want the files of whoever will be the DJ in my hand by the 1st in the morning.” She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. I took that as my cue and get the hell out of there.

When I got into my room, I immediately checked my facebook. Since I didn’t talk to my friends really today out of guilt, I had to rely on facebook to notify me if anything major came up today without my knowing.

New Status from Cameron Brandi: Thinkin about her…

That made me blush. But it wasn’t news. What really happened today?

Notifications: 16.

I clicked on it and my jaw dropped when six of them were from Beth posting on my wall. I clicked on my profile to look at all of the posts.

I saw the first one.


That alarmed me and I quickly scrolled down to read the ones that followed

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