Chapter Twenty-Five: Never Trust Fridays

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Annnd the award for world’s suckiest Wattpader goes to…me!!! Literally. I rarely have time for writing nowadays and when I do I’m usually not in the mood for it or I don’t have enough time so I cram things in. I’m so sad. I just want my old groove back (I’m so cool :P). Sigh. I hope this chapter makes up for anything. Really.

            At our school, football games were almost mandatory to attend. If you didn’t show up, you were basically either an outcast or dead. This was just the way it was. Real school spirit, huh? Anyway, afterschool this Friday, I met up with Logan at his locker only to ask the one question that’d been bugging me the entire day and I hadn’t been able to ask him.

            “Hey.” I smiled at him as he finished putting some books in his backpack. He shut his locker before turning to me and greeting me back.

            “So I’ve been wondering…” I turned to start walking down the hallway. “How was the test?”

            “Oh! I almost forgot to tell you!” He stopped walking and twisted his back to the left to unzip and get shuffle around through his items. Once it seemed like he found what he wanted, he turned back to me and showed me a paper. There in a big and bold red color was a B+. “It’s the best I’ve ever gotten and I owe it all to you!”

            “That’s g-” I didn’t even get to finish my sentence as I was soon enveloped into an enormous hug. How does one have such huge arms? “Logan…” I managed to wheeze.

            “My bad!” He dropped me to let me breathe.

            “It’s okay. But seriously, that’s great news. So I’m going to see you at the game tonight?” I stated more than asked. It was obvious.

            “Yeah. I can’t thank you enough.” He smirked as we continued to walk down the hallways.

            “Logan!” Someone called from the other side of the hallway. I instantly recognized the voice and snapped my head up. Even though I’d seen him so many times, it still amazed me how perfect he could look. Is it even fair? NO IT ISN’T.

            “Jonah, my man! I’m so glad you came through! When I heard that you made the team I knew that I had to be able to play our first game! Sucks that you Brits are only gonna’ be able to hang around for this year, though.” Logan laughed as he rushed down the hallway to step in front of Jonah, leaving me walking behind.

            Jonah hadn’t even fully seen me until I stepped into view.

            “Oh and I forgot to tell you! It wouldn’t have even been possible without the help of Rose! She’s amazing man! She helped me score my first B+ ever!” Logan stepped back to me and put his elbow on my arm.

            “That’s great.” Jonah stared into my eyes with little enthusiasm as he turned back to Logan. “Well we better get going. Grace is waiting in the car.”

            “Oh, yeah sure thing.” Logan turned back to me, “Again, I’m super grateful. You need anything I can do, just say the word. I mean it.”

            “That won’t be necessary.” I smiled and waved him off.

            “I mean it.”

            “Logan, let’s go.” Jonah said, annoyed, as he opened the building’s doors and stayed put to prop it open.

            “Okay I have to go. Remember, Rose! You’re the best! Come tonight, okay? See me play!” Logan shouted all at once as he ran out the building. I was about to turn away when I thought Jonah had left, too, but he didn’t. Instead, he looked at me. Just that and then reluctantly, gave me the head nod and walked out.

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