Chapter Thirty-Eight: It Ends With a Dance

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The day of the dance. Nuff said.

To my surprise, many people actually showed up to the school’s play on Monday the next week. Logan playing a main role could’ve been reason enough for why some jocks showed up.

Beth, to say the least, absolutely killed it on stage and I had never been prouder of my friend than at that moment. She executed her lines perfectly and I had nearly forgotten it was all a play, of course, until Jonah snapped me out of it all.

“Want anything? I’m rather hungry.” He whispered in my ear and squeezed my hand. After that night on Friday, we’d been closer than ever. I think it was because we both missed each other’s presence so much.

“I’m good.” I assured him and smiled to watch the play again. Beth and Logan were now doing that scene that I had practiced with Logan. Of course, it was amazing.


I have this thing where I get nervous really easily. It’s a total pain in the ass and I want it to stop. That’s nearly impossible with today.

The day of the dance.


The day we’d been waiting for since the program was announced to the school in the first place.

We had this entire day off. It was for two reasons. Everyone knew that the juniors (us) would be hustling and incredibly busy today with getting ready. Two, the staff was gonna’ be even busier. While Emi, Cameron, Beth, and the rest of us who helped did help a lot, there were still a lot of things we couldn’t do. My mother, for instance, would have to double-check on everything today and would have to make sure everything was according to plan. Ms. Morris would be doing the same as well.

Now, I was in my room currently with both Beth and Emi.

Yesterday, we had all treated ourselves to mani-pedis so we were set on that part. Just a little bit over an hour ago, we got our makeup done professionally at some place Emi found where we “just had to visit because it was the just darling!” Truth be told, it was. The ladies were so nice and I actually almost forgot about how anxious I was. Almost.

“So is your mom downstairs getting ready?” Beth asked out of curiosity as she checked herself in the mirror yet again. Emi and I were sitting down on my bed, watching and waiting.

“Yup.” I sighed and looked at my phone’s time. 6:50. The pre-show (of the band we all agreed to perform there) was going to begin playing around 7:00 for at least a half hour before the dance would start up. We needed to get there early (because let’s be real no one was going to come until at least 8:00) to make sure everything was all good and the dance was a go.

“Beth, darling, you know I love you, but you’re taking so bloody long to get ready.” Emi said as Beth gasped, “Let’s go.” Emi said and walked out of my room before looking back at me.

I shrugged to Beth and walked past her to follow Emi. We had plenty of time to get ready. Plus, she looked gorgeous with her white dress with gold patterns atop it. She looked elegant. As did Emi. She had a long purple gown with glimmering on her chest and I was envious of them both. I was settled for a light pastel pink gown. Beth had insisted I get it so I did. No questions asked. I wasn’t one to argue when it came to fashion.

But when we came downstairs, we all gasped at the sight of my mother.

She had her hair in a messy ponytail, reading glasses on, and a simple worn sweater over dress pants. This whole thing with my father in a coma was really wearing out my mother.

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