Chapter Twenty: Jonah to the Rescue

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This chapter is going to have more Jonah. I love him! ;)

I went downstairs, ignoring the tiny screaming voice in the back of my head to jump out my bedroom window. It was even giving me instructions, go to Canada, change name to Alexis (I liked that name), and work as a McDonald’s employee. It was too good to not follow through, but I kept walking down those stairs I knew would only lead me to my death.

I reached the bottom and faced my mother (face death, whichever way you prefer to put it). I was going to began apologizing again, but my mother beat me to speak.

“I’m going to tell you something. I don’t want you to interrupt or anything. I don’t want you to say anything the entire time. Matter of fact, after I’m done, go straight to your room without a word coming from your mouth,” My mother raised her finger. Damn, not having to talk? She did me a massive favor, but I wasn’t going to tell her that. “First of all, I want you to remember something. Remember when you got in trouble by Mr. Callahan? I thought that’d be the last of your troubles, but it was far from it now. I laid out rules for you to follow, and you broke one of them. I said, do not get in trouble anymore and what did you do? You did this.” She gestured to the entire house, as if we were in one of those movies and she barely caught me throwing the party with trash everywhere.

“Honestly, with you just did, you’ve made me become concerned on what your next actions will be. At this point, I’m disappointed to say that I’m worried you’re going to break the other rules of the set of three I gave you. I hope you don’t.” She took a pause to shake her head in disappointment before carrying on, “I’m not going to ground you.” As soon as she said that, I felt like the biggest anchor in the world was lightly carried off my shoulders and I felt like I had just escaped prison.

“No, I already grounded you before over something that certainly does not compare to this. Obviously, that didn’t work to steer you away from this type of behavior. So I’m going to leave it at this lecture. If I have to talk to you about this again, the consequences will surely not be as merciful. Now as I said earlier, go to your room. I’m going to be gone again for a meeting. I only stopped by to let that out of my mind.” My mother ordered as she opened the door and walked right back out. Leaving me with my state of mind that was surely not healthy. Relief and confusion just didn’t mix. But for now, I wouldn’t let that bug me. I would celebrate by relaxing and talking to Beth on Facebook.

I ran upstairs, not wasting even a second. I logged on and scrolled through the chat log. Nope, she wasn’t online, but I did notice two other people. Cameron and Jonah… Without really thinking, I clicked open a chat box and typed ‘hey’. He immediately replied.

“Hello. Couldn’t resist to not talk to me?” I rolled my eyes. Of course he’d say something like that, although it didn’t make any sense.

“That didn’t make any sense.” I pressed enter with a satisfied smile. I’m not even sure why I was talking to him. I just did. What was even stranger was that Cameron was online as well, but I didn’t even bother to message him…

“To what do I owe the pleasure?” I cut to the chase. Which now that I think about it, I didn’t really have a point in talking to him.

“I’m in deep shit. My mom found out about the party.”

“You grounded?”

“She said I’m not. But I can tell I need to pray over the next few days.”

“I’m assuming you’re in need of some sort of entertainment.”

“Kinda. Why…”

“I’ll be over in ten.

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