Chapter Seven: A Party with the Brits

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The party!!! Dun dun dunnnn! J

I shuffled on my feet awkwardly as Emi stepped away from Cameron.

            “There was the creepiest guy out in the garage and he kept hitting on me!” Emi laughed as Cameron did, too.

            “Good thing he didn’t touch you, or I would’ve had to straighten him out.” Cameron made a serious face to which Emi reacted by bursting out laughing.

            “I’m going to go dance.” Emi began to walk away from Cameron before she looked at Marvin and Marvin followed her to the dance floor. Is Cameron okay with that? If my boyfriend decided to dance with another girl, I’d be a little concerned.

            “You’re not going with her?” I asked as they turned the corner.

            “Nah,” Cameron said as he took a sip from his cup.

            “There you are! Where’s Beth?” I heard Zoey’s voice from behind me. I turned back to her and she had an angry face along with Zoey.

            “Oh sorry, I was talking to Cameron and Emi.” I apologized.

            “Who?” Zoey asked as she looked behind me and she saw Cameron.

            “Hey, sorry I kept her away.” Cameron smiled. Sydney smiled and said a ‘hey’ that couldn’t be heard over the loud music. Zoey stared at Cameron like he was water in a desert. I mean, who wouldn’t? But while she did it, it made me uncomfortable.

            “Guys, this is Cameron. Cameron, this is Zoey,” I pointed at Zoey who was still drooling, “And this is Sydney.”

            “Yeah, hey guys.” Cameron said as he took another sip from his cup. Could he seriously not be able to tell Zoey was staring at him? Oh my…Now that I thought about it, he couldn’t tell because he was too busy staring at me. No, I doubt it. Maybe there’s something on my face. Besides, he has a girlfriend and Emi’s really cool.

            “Hey, Zoey.” Sydney broke through Zoey’s trance as Zoey looked back to her,” that guy and his friend keep staring at us. I say we go have fun and talk to them.”

            “Yeah, yeah. Okay.” Zoey furrowed her eyebrows and followed Sydney as they left Cameron and me alone again in the kitchen. There was silence, but someone came into the kitchen.

            “Cam,” He said. Cameron turned from having his back facing him to turn and be able to see his face.

            “Jonah,” Cameron smiled and whipped his hand up to meet Jonah’s and cup it along with a hug. It was like one of those greetings guys do to one another.

            Suddenly aware of my presence being there, I looked down at my heels.

            “Rose, this is Jonah. Jonah, I think you already know Rose.” Cameron said. I looked back up and saw Jonah half-smiling at me. He lifted his hand up.

            “Hello there.” Jonah took my barely lifted hand and firmly shook it. Tingles went through my hand as he finished shaking it and let go.

            “Hey.” I said, barely audible over the music.

            “Where’s Grace?” Cameron yelled over to the music. Jonah looked away from me back to Cameron.

            “She’s with Kylie. They get along too well.” Jonah rolled his eyes.

            “What about Lucy?” Cameron took another sip from his beer. I noticed Jonah wasn’t drinking, or at least he didn’t have a drink in hand. Either way, it looked out of place. It was like seeing a biker at a petting zoo. Strange, but you can’t help but wonder why.

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