Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Late Night Chat and a Cold Shoulder

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DUN DUN DANNNNN. :) New chapter!


“I just want to talk.” He calmly said as he took slow steps towards me. I took one back. I saw a quick flash of hurt cross his face, but he stopped walking instead and stayed still.

“There’s nothing to talk about. I thought I cleared that up.” I quickly said as I scanned around the room, looking at everything and anything except him.

“Are you happy, Rose?” He asked after a long minute. I looked up at him finally. I saw he was much closer to me than before. My room lamp lit up his face just right, letting me see his blue eyes looking straight down at me with an expression unreadable.

“What type of question is that?” I asked in almost a whisper. I didn’t like how close he was to me.

“Are you happy? With him. With everything.” He explained in a rushed tone.

I didn’t answer at first. But after a moment’s hesitation I did, “I yeah-of course.” I lied.

“No, you aren’t,” Jonah shook his head, looking slightly disappointed. He looked back up at me, “I’m not accepting that as an answer.”

“Well you have to.” I lifted my head, hoping that the motion would deem confident. But surely it just showed me begging for him to believe me.

He didn’t respond and instead wandered around my room.

“How did you even get here? I know that you and Cameron have cars here, but I still don’t comprehend how.” I asked a random question to push away the uncomfortable silence.

“I thought Cam would’ve explained that to you by now.” He said as he didn’t look at me and instead lifted up one of my photo frames. I sighed when I realized which photo it was. It was the one of me and Beth after she had shoved me face in my birthday cake. “My mum pulled a few strings to get us cars over here. Of course they’re rental. They run nicely, though.”

I nodded. Not that he would see me anyway, he was still examining the photo of me.

“Why haven’t you told Cam about Danny?” He asked unexpectedly. It was such a random question that I only breathed with shock. With this question, he finally looked back at me and began towards me slowly. This time I stayed in place.

“That’s none of your business.” I growled. This conversation was getting personal and was steering towards a direction I despised.

“I’m sorry I was just-” He began before I cut him off.

“You shouldn’t be over, Jonah.” I sighed. He stared back at me, so I continued. “Nothing is ever going to happen between us and it’s best to just stay friends.”

With the way he stayed silent, I was sure he’d agree and leave angrily. But he just took a deep breath before saying, “I’m okay with being friends.”

What could I say to that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So I didn’t. I let him stay silent for another minute. The quiet atmosphere was going to kill me, but Jonah didn’t let that happen as he suddenly dashed for my open window. A slight wave of disappointment washed through me before he turned his head around with excited eyes.

“Let’s go out.” He smiled, one I hadn’t seen in a long time. The genuine one that radiated heat and warmth and no intention of bad doings.

“What?” I had no expected that question. And if I had expected anything, it wasn’t that.

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