Chapter Thirty-Two: Emily

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What happens after Jonah and Rose’s fight? Let’s find out, shall we?

After my argument with Jonah, I didn’t want to talk to anyone or do anything. I just ran inside my house and spent the rest of the night vomiting and feeling sick to my stomach. I didn’t think I had it in me to continue anything. But luckily, in the morning, my mother was convinced enough to let me stay home. I stayed home for the rest of the week, too. It was a bit difficult to convince her to let me stay home Friday, though, because that was the day we were all supposed to decide what songs the band should play. I just didn’t have it in me to go.

All I could think about that weekend was Jonah’s face that scarred my mind. How pained his face looked. Every time I thought about it, it just made me feel that much shittier. He practically lived in my mind. Always creeping up on me just when I would think that I had forgotten, but after this weekend, I know that it’s impossible.

Beth texted me over the weekend, telling me all about how she and Logan had joined the drama club this last trimester. The instructor only let them in because of Logan, the popular prime student. He would definitely bring more of an audience to the play then the drama kids usually got. I was happy for her, but of course, I couldn’t stop thinking about that face. That face I once knew so well. His smirk, completely distorted into the pained expression that was my fault.

But all of this couldn’t compare to what happened Monday. There were no excuses left for me anymore, or none that my mother would take. I would have to attend school whether I liked it or not. So I went, walking into what could only be described as the worst day that had yet to happen to me as I stepped through those doors to my doom.

With Beth gone for some reason that I was still not aware of, I went straight to Emi and Marvin in the morning instead. Chad and Sarah were off with Ms. Everett dealing with other yearbook business.

“We missed you this Friday. Terrible that you had to have been sick.” Emi said to me when I sat beside her at the usual table we sat at in the morning.

“Right?” I said with as much fake regret as I could muster.

“You’re feeling better, though, right?” She asked.

“Yeah,” I lied. “Totally.”


Thank God Jonah and Cameron were still suspended in ISS (In-school suspension) so I didn’t have to face them at all during my classes. I thought I might’ve actually survived through the day (mind Zoey’s glares which were strangely starting to resemble the Grudge) for a bit even as I went to lunch with Beth still not back.

Emi and Marvin were sitting down there along with Chad and Sarah, the table looking especially lonely without Beth. Logan even sat down with us, regardless of Beth being there or not.

“Hey, Rose.” Logan smiled at me with a mouthful of burger as I sat down.

“Hello there, Logan.” I smiled back and looked over at Emi.

“We were just talking about how you should go out with us afterschool, Rose. I feel like I hardly see you now and I need to chat with you.” Emi insisted to which I responded with a nod. I didn’t really want to do anything afterschool than just lie on my couch and sulk.

“So, Rose,” Logan said once Emi returned to her conversation with Marvin, “I need to ask you a favor.”

“What is it?” I asked. The last time he asked me for a favor I nearly thought the kid loved me. I was planning on saving myself from further embarrassment.

“Since Beth is gone for her doctor’s appointment, I still need someone to practice my lines with. I really want to learn them so Beth can be impressed with me when she comes back.” Logan explained and continued with a laugh when he saw the frightened look in my eyes,” Don’t worry; you don’t have to really try.”

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